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Watching Day

Yesterday was a delightfully relaxing day. We started by watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. I liked them. They were interesting. I especially liked the Assassin’s creed torch carrier. The balloon at the end was a surprise as well.

We ran few errands in the afternoon, and then for dinner decided to go to Coconuts restaurant, which has great fish. What we didn’t realize was that it was Fourth Friday, and there was live music, food trucks, and booths of all kinds in the parking lot.

We still ate at coconuts, and had wonderful people-watching entertainment.

One response to “Watching Day”

  1. Lauren says:

    You had a Day of Fun event – a surprise delight! That is the best. 😀

    I haven’t watched any of the opening ceremonies stuff, so I am very curious about that firey balloon………

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Familiar Places

We had a delightful day yesterday. We started by seeing our first chicken of the visit:

We were on our way to Kahului, where we had some breakfast, then stopped by school. We saw some people I knew and looked at my old plantings, and of course I couldn’t miss stopping by the final resting place of Gus. It’s right about in the middle of this picture:

Next, we visited some of my favorite places on Maui:

Ha! I’m laughing, because so many of the places I want to see are the places I went to on the weekends. Not the beach, but stores and stuff.

We did do a nice drive upcountry though. We went to see a plant nursery. This place specializes in succulents. It was a delightful drive, and a delightful visit.

Check out this beautiful flower!

When we came back down to Kahului, it was time for some lunch. We went to Stillwells, a deli we have gone to many times before. They make delicious sandwiches.

When we got home, we napped and relaxed, and thought we were done for the day, when there was a knock on the door. It was Josh and Drew, from school! We went out to a pizza place had a wonderful dinner. The restaurant is BYOB, and Josh brought the ingredients for Gin and Tonic. We had a heck of a time cutting the lime with a butter knife.

But it was great food and even greater conversation. So fun!

Flight and Food

The flight to Maui was quick and mostly trouble-free. There was a family in the row behind us that were interacting like a TV show family. The mother-in-law was shrill and demanding. The father-law-was long-suffering. The son-in-law pushed back and questioned the mother-in-law’s demands. The daughter sided with her mother. It sounded scripted. It was incredible.

Besides that, I watched one of the weirder movies I’ve seen in a while. It was called “The Book of Clarence”. It’s set in Jerusalem while Jesus is there. In fact, Jesus is one of the characters in the movie. I was confused the whole time I watched it, and at the end left thinking it was good(?) I would love to have someone else watch it and tell me what they think.

Anyway, I was excited to be here again:

We settled in a little, then headed to dinner with Jacob, a new teacher at the school here. We ate at Lava Rock. It has a view of the ocean:

And it had delicious fish:

We couldn’t stay up too late though. Neither Mom or I had slept very well the night before, and we were feeling a little jet lag. But we did stop on the way home for a look at the sunset.

Stop and Go

Mom got in safely, and we had a relaxing evening. Bruno loves her lap:

Today we fly to Maui! Woo hoo! I am so excited to see my friends there! And of course it will be fun to see all the old places.

Here is the flight info, for those of you playing along at home:

United Airlines #417
Depart Los Angeles 9:00am
Arrive Kahului 11:43am

Classroom and Cards

I stopped by my new school yesterday to pick up some papers from the office. While I was there, I poked around in my new classroom. I’ll have fun making the room my own.

And here’s something I’ve never encountered before – they prepared flash cards for me with kids’ pictures and names on them. So cool!

I won’t have any time to move into my classroom yet. Mom arrives this afternoon, and tomorrow we head to Maui! Woo hoo!

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