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What You Get for the Money

I ended up sleeping more than I thought yesterday… about three hours. I started sleeping at one and got up at four. Well, the day’s pretty much shot at four, so I didn’t go out to the garden. I was hungry though, so I went to the grocery store.

I decided I’d try to grill something. I got some tilapia. I also got all kinds of other things to see how they tasted grilled. I got a sweet potato, onions, beets, and pears. The fish was good. I used a marinade recipie I found online. I burned the onions and sweet potatoes because I didn’t turn them. I ate the tops of them. They were okay. I got red onions. I think I might prefer sweet onions next time. The beets weren’t cooked long enough. They were still too crunchy. I didn’t grill the pears. Maybe I’ll try that another time.

While I was at the grocery store, I got some other necessities: milk, Pepsi, detergent, etc. The bill was a hundred bucks. I thought that was awfully high for such a small pile of stuff. I think I’m buying things that are too small. I think that maybe in the future, whatever else I need, I will also get things like large packs of toilet paper, cases of canned beverages, and watermelons. That way, my pile of groceries will look like it’s worth more.

Here’s the pitiful pile of groceries that I spent $103.66 on. Good thing I had that stupid card they make you use to get a discount. Otherwise I would have spent $5.15 more!
$100!? What did I get, gold plated tilapia?


  1. Lauren

    Really, you need to look at it from ‘dollars per bag’. You have 8 bags and 2 big items – $10 a bundle. It’s less painful that way, isn’t it?

  2. Michele

    That detergent can be expensive all by itself – with three smelly kids in sports, most of my paycheck is spent keeping them clean!
    It’s time to consider buying as much as possible in bulk at BJs (at least the stuff that won’t spoil.) Maybe you can get a “BJs buddy” and split the cost of some stuff.

    • Peggy

      Just what I was gonna say. That gi-normous box of Tide must of cost $49.95 itself. But the good news is, it should last you a good 10-12 months. Or maybe the cashier forgot to total out the person in front of you. That happened to me once.

      By the way, I hate the food store. Not only am I a very impatient driver, I have now also become a very impatient shopper. People walking ever so slowly like they have nothing else better to do … people stopping in the middle of the aisle to look for what they need instead of pulling over to the side … some starting to make a U-turn in the aisle, and then freezing with their cart horizontally. And today, a young whipper snapper talking & laughing in the middle of the aisle on her CELL PHONE, oblivious to us other shoppers. And why don’t people know what lunch meat they want. Couldn’t they have decided while waiting in line? I vote for all shoppers to have to take a shopping test before being allowed into the store. If I’ve offended anyone …. good!

      Now that that’s off my chest, out to enjoy the nice day!

  3. Michele

    I too slept about three hours, but it was split up a little. Left the lock-in and drove 30 minutes to catch Michael’s State Cup soccer game at 8:45. It was a beautiful drive otherwise I might have dozed off and found myself in a ditch! It was too beautiful to stay inside, so I later graded papers on the deck in the sunshine – that’s where I am typing from now. Laptop is plugged in, sunscreen is on, and I am ready to tackle the school work. I also have my flyswatter close at hand to kill the carpenter bee that keeps challenging me to a duel. I plan to wack that sucker as soon as he is close enough. Then I’ll probably scream when I surprise myself!
    Happy sunny Sunday to all in Bradaptation Land!

    • Michele

      UPDATE: It’s dead! I let that monster bee have it right between the eyes. Michael finished it off for me while it was flapping around in shock. Notice I am using “it” rather than assigning a personal pronoun. I’m not doing the research necessary to identify the sex of the bee nor do I want to get too personal with it!

  4. Lloyd

    Oh Yeah, I think I just took a $100.00 Motrin Tablet.

    • Beth


  5. Owned by domesticated mammals

    I personally recommend purchasing the humongous bag of “Yesterday’s News” kitty litter to give you the feeling you “got your money’s worth” after shopping. Our little felis domesticus needs a new bag often enough we usually feel like quite the bargain hunters. There’s even more of it (?) once it’;s been used, too – but that’s for another day. Of course, all the food for us humans is more like youe story, Brad, and with the cost of petroleum, cleaning products must be as well. I’m with Beth (?) who recommended planting the money tree. If it’d work for ANYone, it’d work for BRAD! Good luck with that – remember all of us if it ever goes to seed…

  6. Lauren

    Why does Tide need that big ‘pow!’ graphic behind its name? Don’t they know their named after a boring, slow earth rhythm? (Dawn’s got the same thing, but at least they’re humble about it.) And big deal, it’s got BLEACH! So do I, but I’m not bragging about it. I’ve got to write a letter….

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