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Mysterious Sliver

I’ve had a sliver of something under the skin on my left index finger for more than a year now. I have no memory of getting it. I’ve tried getting it out before, but it’s deep into the layer of living skin. I dig down through the dead layer, and hit skin that has live nerves. Ouch! Just recently, garden work has roughed up my hands a little, and the splinter area looked like something was happening, so I cut away the top skin with a fingernail clippers and… it was just the same.

So the sliver of whatever is still there. It still hurts to dig into it. And it’s gonna stay that way for a while.

What is this thing? A piece of wood? A metal filing? A government tracking chip?
In the picture below, it’s the dark thing at the first bend in my finger (in the middle of the picture). The scratch farther up my finger is a gardening wound.

What could it be?


  1. Lauren

    I don’t know what to say. I could never leave a sliver in my finger like that for a whole year!!!! My finger would be a bleedy, crusty, angry mess from diggin around it – and eventually the flesh around it would die and the finger would fall off, but at least the sliver would be gone. What’s wrong with you? Dig, man, dig!

  2. Beth

    I’m with Lauren…DIG! But if you want a way to kill your living flesh so you don’t have to be wimpy, try using those wart remover disks. Just slap that little disk on and let it eat a hole in your flesh right down to that sliver. Done.

    • Lloyd

      That’s my third favorite thing about Beth. She always knows just how to solve any really disgusting problem.

      • Beth


  3. Peggy

    Yep … I think Beth’s plan is a winner. However, you could also let someone else dig it out … and use a pin, never clippers. Must be a pin. It’s fun with a pin. It’s so satisfying when you finally reach the little sucker & lift it out. Ice it first. Then have a few Manhattans.
    (btw-I never know which “then/than” to use; it’s like a foreign language; I just can’t get it)

  4. Karla

    Never underestimate the numbing power of Anbesol! We keep some at the house for just such oddities! But I do like Beth’s idea of the wart removing disk. You better post pictures of the digging and the buried treasure.

  5. Hanshen

    Hey! Right now I’m having a metal flake that splintered into my right index finger ( same location as you too) and it is hurting when rubbed. The flake is so small you can’t see it with your naked eye. I had fragments removed with nail clippers but there might still be some even smaller fragments left deep within my skin. Whenever I dig in I don’t see anything there but it’s still having alot of infection now, pus to be exact. Hope no big deal. But best to say is to get it removed by a surgeon 😉

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