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Trying on for Size

I spent some time at the Inner Harbor of Baltimore yesterday. I decided I would go to the shoe store that sold the “barefoot shoes”, and the store that sold them was by the harbor. It seemed like walking around a little down there could be fun.

Denis came along for the ride. He had a gift card to Cheescake Factory, so we ate there. I got a chicken-pot-pie kind of thing, but the peas and carrots were burnt. The ice tea had some bizarre mango-passionfruit flavoring. I didn’t drink it. It wasn’t a very successful lunch.

The shoe store was a short walk away. We passed some kind of monument to war heroes from Poland on the way. I would have taken a picture, but it was hot outside. I had to keep moving. The shoes themselves were very interesting. They are sized European-style. Was I a 42, 43, or 44? I tried them all on. I think I’m a 42. Having your toes in separate “finger holes” wasn’t as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. The feel was kind of like a slipper, kind of like a water shoe. The problem was that the only kind they had in stock was the strappy kind. I was more interesed in the version without velcro straps.

Having tried them on (and taking the picture below), I went home with the truck air conditioner blasting. Ahhh! Cool air!

Fits like a glove...


  1. Lauren

    Hmmm…. were they more or less comfortable than the toe socks? I think that ‘Mary Jane’ style is quite flattering. HA!

    • Brad

      Definitely more comfortable than toe socks. It didn’t sqeeze my toes like toe socks do.

      It took me forever to figure out what “Mary-Jane style” meant. hehe

      • Lauren

        I can’t believe that they squeeze less than socks. They’re shoes for cryin’ out loud.

  2. Peggy

    I wonder how many other bare feet have been in that shoe before yours? If you end up with any weird bumps on your feet, we’ll know why.

    Oh, and did your toes fill up toe slots?

    • Brad

      It was hard to decide if I was size 42 or size 43. 42 felt too tight, but 43 let my slanty toenail touch the fabric part of the shoe instead of being in the rubber tip of the toe sleeve. Otherwise, yes, my toes filled up the slots.

      No strange foot infections yet, but we can all keep our fingers crossed…

  3. Beth

    What do you think people who have that weird “second-toe-longer-than-big-toe” thing do in shoes like that?

  4. Carol

    Is it just me, or is this blog just RIFE with shots of hairy legs??? I mean, this must be the bazillionth shot of a foot/shoe/thing on end of a hairy leg I’VE seen, and I’m not even really lookng, you know? “Vat duz ziss mean, Doktor?”

    Are you auditioning stand-ins, in case your present legs ever go on vacation during a photo op or something? [Give me a few weeks to work into the role….ahem…]

    …and for what this is worth, I happened to have LOVED the mangopassionfruitwhatever tea at the Cheesecake Factory last time I went there. Oh, well. As we Romans say, “De gustibus non disputandum est.”

  5. Michele

    I’m finding it just a tad disturbing to look at your feet in those shoes. Your feet look like those of a small Japanese woman and then the hairy legs just make it gross! I’m going to start calling you Mary Jane.

    • Kim

      speechless…just speechless…

    • Peggy

      … or perhaps Mari Jun …

  6. Karla

    I vote for the larger of the two sizes – don’t want to jack up your hairy little toes. Since they only had the Mary Janes in the store, will you be ordering the style you want online?

  7. Lauren

    I also have to say, if you’re going to get shoes that leave a barefoot footprint, why wouldn’t you get some that made a giant, Bigfoot-type footprint? Really?

  8. Kristi

    Do the shoes for women have pretty painted toenails? The dark gray is so blah.

    • Michele

      Kristi – totally cool idea! You should sell it to them – maybe they would give you a free pair just for the idea.

  9. Beth Marshall

    They are funky and strangely cool like you. I say sport them with style!

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