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The Penicillin Test

Yesterday morning was my penicillin test at the allergist’s office. I arrived at 9am. I was to be given doses of penicillin in increasingly larger amounts until I reached a full dose, and then sit back to see what would happen. I took my school laptop with me so I could do some work. I didn’t really do much work, but I did keep a written record of my experience. Here it is:

I was embarrassed that I didn’t get the penicillin in the concentration the doctor wanted. He said that they should have been able to order it. I couldn’t bring myself to say that I had only gotten the prescription filled just yesterday. He knows if he’s read it on the bottle.

9:25am After taking the first dose, I’m feeling fine. The doctor had to use a syringe because it was such a tiny dose. It was just a few drops on my tongue.

9:44am I took my second dose. The doctor made a joke about how bad the medicine tastes, but I think it sort of tastes like cotton candy. Since it hasn’t happened already, I probably won’t be having a heart attack or have my throat swell shut.

10:00 am I just took a regular dose. It didn’t taste as nice in such a large quantity. I’m very sleepy. I hope I don’t fall asleep and have them think I’ve passed out or died or something. Now I wait for two hours.

10:55am So… sleepy… I’m playing pinball and solitaire on my laptop to try and stay awake. I don’t know how long I can resist sleeping.

11:15am The TV in the waiting room is on Animal Planet channel. The show that’s on is “Emergency Room Vets”. I’m watching three people work on amputating a crow’s wing. A crow? What the heck are they spending so much time and money on a crow for? Some people…

11:32am I could never be an allergist. It’s mostly kids in the office. Some of the kids are so whiny. Some of the moms are so psycho. Is this what it’s like to teach elementary school?

11:37am The third pharmaceutical rep of the day has just come into the office. They sound like used car salesmen. And they all brought in crazy-nice gifts for the office.

I was released at noon. Nothing happened. I’m not allergic to penicillin. Happy news, but not a very exciting adventure. Here’s where I spent four hours yesterday. It’s not a very good shot because I was trying to not let anyone see me take the picture.

A brief moment alone.


  1. Lauren

    So????? You’re going to leave us hanging? What did the doctor say? I’m assuming you’re not allergic anymore, unless you’re writing this from beyond the grave.

    • Brad

      Ha! I forgot to write that. I’ll fix it.

  2. Peggy

    A plethora of penicillin proves powerless!!!

  3. Elaine Royuk

    Your mother is SOOO happy! Who knows when this info. may prove valuable.

  4. Lauren

    Heh heh… ‘released at noon’…. like you were a prisoner or something!

    I’m glad you’re not allergic, though it will make it more difficult to murder you without raising suspicion now.

  5. Michele

    I’m thinking that lumpy disease that crawled up your arm a while back after you cleaned the fish tank scared the penicillin allergy right out of your body!
    BTW – are you sure it was a crow and not a swallow? Perhaps an African swallow?

    • Karla

      But maybe a European swallow?

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