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My truck has been running on empty for the last couple of days, so yesterday I finally stopped at the gas station to fill up. I always swipe the card first, then pull open the gas tank cover, then push all the buttons I have to push, then unscrew the gas cap. After doing all that yesterday, I lifted the gas nozzle to bring it to the opening of my tank, and made a little scared noise.


There was a paper wasp building a nest by my gas cap! I’m glad I didn’t accidentally grab it while I was unscrewing the cap. Fortunately, it was sort of cool yesterday, so the wasp was slow.

I squirted the wasp and its nest with gas. They both fell to the ground. I was surprised how fast the wasp died. The gasoline killed as fast as a shovel! I should keep a spray bottle of gas around just to spray things dead with it.


  1. Lauren

    I laugh while I mourn. Really? Gasoline? You might need a therapist.

  2. Beth

    First, the order in which you get fuel is just all weird. I’d even go so far as to say it’s all wrong.

    Second, the noise you make is most certainly just as you have written it in your caption.

    Third, I’m glad to know gas is more effective than Windex.

    Fourth, really? It’s been so long since you have had to fill up that a wasp had time to build a nest there? Really? You city people.

  3. Lloyd

    If you light the gas afterwards it’s even more effective. Ha, that reminds me of the time we had the gasoline fight at that service station that one time.

  4. Peggy

    Meanie, big meanie, big Blue Meanie … but I’m still not quite sure what species you actually are: Butterfly Stomper, Hidden-Persuader Man, or Snapping Turtle Turk … regardless, I’m on to ‘ya!

  5. Kristi

    You used gasoline to kill it? Do you know how much we are paying for gasoline? you must have money to burn, man. And I must say that I’m rather surprised to read that the brave Rodent-Critter Killer Brad didn’t just use his mighty strong hands to smash the thing. So much for Super-Brad.

    • Deanne

      Not super??!? I would have either run away or fainted on the spot!

  6. Annette

    Gasoline instead of a shovel….genius!

  7. Carol

    …and it makes a great weed-killer also. If you tire of mowing what little lawn you have left, try pouring gasoline on the remaining blades. What the heck!

    [Hmmm…and now I wonder if your truck could run on Roundup? Might be cheaper!]

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