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Stupid FOX

I have had a pretty easy time watching TV this year. Monday has been a heavy night because I watch the sitcoms on CBS. (The sitcom is my favorite genre of TV show, but it’s a dying genre. Sad.) Tuesday and Wednesday are American Idol nights, but once Idol is over, I can get ready for bed. Thursday was nothing. Nothing! I have been so happy on Thursday nights. I get a little chore done, or I watch a recorded show, or I play a little Xbox… Wonderful!

Well, there are now new episodes of the only dramas I watch: Bones and House. I really do like these shows. Fox could have put them on American Idol nights. They could have put them on Thursday. They could even have put them on Friday. What night have they placed them? Monday! During my sitcoms, dang it! Now I have to record one set of shows and watch the other set of shows live. I used to be able to fall asleep if I got too tired to stay up ’till 10. Now I have to stay awake to make sure I don’t miss anything.

I hate watching TV without the safety net of DVR. Stupid FOX. If I wasn’t so lazy I’d write them an email.

Bones and Booth... I missed these guys.


  1. Deanne

    The injustices of this world, Brad. It’s terrible.

    Here, for your laziness, I’ve acquired the feedback e-mail of fox. it’s askfox at fox dot com.

    (I’ve always wanted to write out an e-mail like that on a blog. I saw someone do it once, and it looks so network savvy.)

  2. Lauren

    I feel your pain. I’m going to have to watch House and Bones on the interweb because they switched nights. Stupid networks – why can’t they consult us before making those decisions?

  3. Beth

    Funny. Just last night I was wondering if House and Bones were still on… I hadn’t heard anything of them for a while…
    Apparently they are.

    • Lloyd

      I was thinking that too. I saw a house episode from seasons ago on USA or something and figured it had been canceled. Lauren used to watch that show religiously. She hasn’t said boo about it in months. What gives? I could asker (she’s sitting about 6 feet away), but I think I’ll just wait for her to leave a comment.

      • Lauren

        Writer’s strike, Lloyd.

        Have a nice day at work.

        • Beth

          I’m glad the two of you have such smooth communication. It’s a wonderful model for the rest of us.

  4. Peggy

    Dnag it! I keep forgetting I have a DVR … but it is ALL the way downstairs …

    I love sitcoms too … I’d like to believe that “types of shows” on TV come & go in waves. There was a wonderful time when sitcoms were on every night, a whole line up on Friday. I was trying to think of all the sitcoms I’ve watched thru the years & for some reason “Best of the West” popped in my head. I thought it was so funny. The guy’s name was something Best & he lived in the West. It didn’t last long. Am I the only one who watched it?

  5. Karla

    Don’t you have a DVR that will let you record two shows at once? If not, you should look into getting one. They’re the best.

    • Brad

      WHAT?!? I didn’t know such a thing existed! That would solve my problem!!

      • Beth

        Saving for your baby, Brad. Saving for your baby.

      • Peggy

        I’m thinking you already have this option … that’s one of the selling points of these things … I think I can do it too … but I don’t know how yet.

      • Karla

        A dual tuner DVR is the best thing ever. If you’re taping two shows at the same time, you can either watch one of them live, or watch something else that you have recorded and zoom through the commercials. You totally need to look into one.

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