Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


Warning: Hairy leg picture follows post.

About a week ago I discovered an itchy bump on my right shin. I would have thought it was a mosquito bite, except it was still so cool I was never outside in shorts. I’m actually pretty good at not scratching itchy bumps, so I’ve mostly left it alone. Every once in a while I’ll forget it’s there and scratch, or rub it while I’m drying after a shower. Then it itches like crazy. After a while, it subsides to an annoying itch again.

I don’t know what this could be. I didn’t really have a medical mystery this winter. I usually have at least one per winter. I don’t know if I can count a medical study as my medical mystery for the year. Is this something exotic?

So I’m making an entry in my memory archives: I’ve had this itchy bump for about a week. Let’s call the beginning date May 1. If it’s still there in three weeks or so, I should probably go to the doctor to see if it’s a tumor or if I have a rare form of leprosy or something.

Don't scratch... don't scratch... don't scratch...


  1. Karla

    I bet you have ringworm. That’s itchy, isn’t it?

    • Curt

      Yes, ringworm is very itchy.

  2. Lauren

    Sorry about the itchy bump. I’ll stay quiet on that subject.

    On an unrelated note, maybe you should just go with the hairy legs and start wearing capris to work!

  3. Beth

    I think it’s scabies…but SSHHHH, don’t tell Lauren…

  4. Beth

    Do you always use a green pen? Really? Because Lloyd does, too. Weird.

    • Brad

      The color doesn’t matter to me as much as the kind of ink. I like the liquidy kind. For a couple of years, I’ve been using the exact same make and model of pens, but in various colors. It’s a Pilot G-2 .07mm. The only problem is that the ink supply doesn’t last real long. I started with purple this year, then orange, now green.

      • Beth

        I knew they were Pilot G-2s…that’s exactly what I use…

        We must be related.

        Embrace the Sib-ness!

  5. Kristi

    I bet it’s Lyme disease. You should really have that checked.

    Lauren posted about a bad haircut. Brad is posting about hairy legs. What’s next?

    And I like Brad’s ring.

    • Brad

      I looked for a bullseye pattern around the bump, but saw nothing. Isn’t a deer tick with Lyme’s disease supposed to leave a bullseye?

      And ringworm or scabies? I think I’d rather have leprosy. (No offense, Lauren).

  6. kiwe

    The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Skin bumps. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor.

    Sebaceous cyst
    Dermoid cyst
    Pyogenic granuloma
    Molluscum contagiosum
    Vascular malformation
    Spider nevi
    Strawberry nevi
    Port wine stain
    Campbell de Morgan spots
    Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasis
    Cavernous hemangioma
    Skin tumor
    Basal cell carcinoma
    Rodent ulcer
    Squamous cell carcinoma
    Malignant melanoma
    Secondary skin tumor


    • Beth

      Rodent ulcer?? RODENT ULCER??? What the?

      • kiwe

        Rodent Ulcer is an inflammatory lesion on the lips of cats, characterized microscopically by ulceration of the surface epithelium, and underlying zone of necrosis and leukocytic infiltration, and a deeper layer containing large numbers of eosinophils. It usually involves the anterior portion of the upper lip, but additional lesions may also be seen on the lower lip, tongue, soft palate, wall of the pharynx and other areas of the oral mucosa. It can also be spread to humans.

        But I hear that Brad is a Scottish Terrier not a cat. I am almost sure he doesn’t have to worry about it.

        • Beth


        • Brad

          Since I’m not a cat, and I haven’t had any cats touching my shin with their lips, I guess we can cross “rodent ulcer” off the list. (Cats have lips?)

          That leaves only twenty-four other possibilities.

    • Jill

      With that list, you may have given Brad something else: heart failure.

    • Brad

      Wart did you say? This long cyst of possibilities makes me squamous.

      • kiwe

        I would take a bet that it’s a spider bite.

        If I lived close (or knew you) I would lance it for you.
        But because I am just a lurker in your online memory you will have to deal with it yourself.

        Diphenhydramine hydrochloride, Benadryl cream or amputation.

        • Beth

          So…you’re a physician? Veterinarian? Because I was most impressed with your list, and even more impressed with your detailed description of a rodent ulcer (as a Biology teacher by trade, I love the details :))…

          Oh, and *jibblie*…spider bite…*jibblie*…that means you had a spider on you, Brad…*jibblie*…

          • kiwe

            Music teacher with random useless knowledge.

          • Peggy

            A teacher? On this site?!? Should have guessed … teachers are the funniest, which balances all that useless knowledge … (kidding, don’t email me)

            How about a hint of where you’re from kiwe & how you find the Brad?

          • Kim

            Don’t scare kiwe away, Peggy, Peggy!

            Brad, as funny as this line is-Wart did you say? This long cyst of possibilities makes me squamous-it has not made the googlenumberone, yet.

          • Lauren

            I think a post about ‘How did we meet Brad’ would be a good topic, considering that Brad has no memory of meeting any of us. I’ll start.

            Ummm…. I don’t actually remember meeting Brad. Maybe I shouldn’t start.

        • Brad

          Or is it just that you really like lancing things? What profession does that? Jouster? Chef? Ear piercer?

          • kiwe

            Cutting things…it’s a great hobby

          • Annette

            Now I’m squeamish, because…….has anyone wasted their time watching the disturbing program DEXTER?

          • Beth

            I’ve watched it…I’ve been sucked in a few times…
            It may even be too disturbing. After an episode, I often find that it’s days before I can get images out of my mind…

            Stupid good memory.

          • Peggy

            Hey, I like Dexter … yes, it’s disturbing … what’s your point?

    • Curt

      I think I had Campbell de Morgan spots once. I ate some soup while drinking rum. Later, puked on myself.

      • Brad

        HAHA! LOL!

        • Annette

          I’m with you man, LOL!

  7. Peggy

    Maybe you have a bed bug … maybe one hopped in your suitcase from one of your hotel stays … maybe it was sent to try the menu & then invite all friends & relatives if appetizing … maybe millions are on their way right now … or maybe it choked on a leg hair & is history …

  8. Annette

    That kiwe is a keeper lurker.

    • Brad

      “The more voices in my head, the better.” That’s what I always say.

      …or did someone else say that?

  9. Voices in Your Head

    We said that.

  10. Carol

    This was hands down the most fun series of posts to read EVER from the residents of Bradaptationland. Well done, good and faithful typists!

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