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My Closet

As it turns out, my closet isn’t very messy. Probably mostly because I don’t use it much. The floor has to stay clean because that’s where I keep my clothes hamper. The white shoes are for when I wear my powder blue tuxedo with ruffly shirt. I usually keep them in a shoe bag in the basement, but they’re upstairs for some reason.

The hangers are all wood and mostly from IKEA. There are some strays in there that I don’t know where they came from. They don’t quite match and it bothers me, but not enough to do anything about it. I wear the suits on Sundays. The white shirts are my teacher shirts; they’re great for hiding white chalk stains. The rest of the hanging shirts are mostly just there because I haven’t brought myself to get rid of them. I hardly ever wear them.

Can you see the giant sword against the back wall?

The top shelf is probably the messiest looking area in the closet. It has lots of folded things, but they’re all a little askew, so it looks messy. These are my spare linens. The leopard print sheets are from when my cat Ned slept in my bed. Because he had no hair, he left oil spots. It was kind of gross looking, so I got print sheets to hide the spots. The material is very stiff though, so I didn’t like it. Plus, that one time the electrician came over earlier than he said, I hadn’t made my bed and he saw the leopard sheets. I was embarrassed. When I have Max sleep with me I’ll just wash the sheets often.

Maybe someday I'll re-fold and re-stack this. Then I could spend the rest of the day resting from a job well done.


  1. Lauren

    The second picture looks like the side walls of your closet aren’t parallel. Is that some sort of camera trick or do I just have a bad memory?

    • Brad

      It’s a trick of the camera, though I’m sure the walls are off. No wall or floor in my house is level.

  2. Karla

    How many sets of sheets do you need?!?

  3. Beth

    Does having a really basic wardrobe run in our family? Because my closet looks quite a bit the same (though I sub a different colored overshirt for your tie, so there’s a rainbow of colored buttondowns, in proper rainbow order, because I’m like that). We don’t get it from Mom, she could outfit a small army in matching capris and shirt sets. Dad? Grandpa Hummel?

    • kiwe

      What a cool family you have! You both color coordinate your closets, you both LOVE Amy Grant…Do you both kill small animals too!

      • Beth

        That’s where similarities end. I have a hard time killing even a spider. I usually rescue it and take it outside. I’m a total softy.

        Though I do curse the little buggars who eat my flowers…I could never kill them.

        Thankfully, our cat usually takes care of any problems, and it’s in the dark of night so I don’t have to see or even know…

  4. Lloyd

    I call dibs on the leopard skin sheets. Unless they are real leopard skin, in which just like to roll all over in them and then return them to you.

    • kiwe

      If they are just the skin, won’t they make your back side sweat? I don’t know if I would like to roll all over some animals skin.

  5. Peggy

    1st: Does chalk stain?

    2nd: Don’t worry about being seen with the leopard sheets
    (sorry, had to take a time out for uncontrollable
    laughter), anyway, just don’t tell any strangers
    that they’re for when Max sleeps with you.

    3rd: Wear the white shoes more often … I think it might
    help deter your killing instincts.

  6. Peggy

    4th: Is that an extra white shirt button taped on the closet door frame?

    • Beth

      I think it’s the doorbell to the people who live under the stairs.

    • Brad

      The button came off of one of my teacher shirts and I stuck it to the closet to remind me to sew it back on. It didn’t work.

  7. Annette

    Brad, you have very polite friends. I, on the otherhand, use harsh and direct very interchangeably…..I fear you have an illness.

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