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Month: June 2008 (Page 4 of 6)


I got my hair cut short again yesterday. I went to Ken, my regular stylist. 🙂 When I got to the Hair Cuttery, I was greeted by Ning, whom I had seen a couple of visits ago. She recognized me and smiled a big smile and asked if I needed a haircut. I said that I did, but would wait for Ken. Awk-ward!

My old clipper-cut style is #3 on top, #1 on the sides and back. Ken started by using the #3 clipper. After he cut just the top, my hair looked really wierd. I looked like some character actor from a TV show who plays trailor-park killers or computer wierdos. I had to look away from the mirror. After he got the #1 clipper going, things looked much better. I think this was the most fussing over a clipper cut I’ve ever experienced. He took a long time. I would have tipped him more than usual, but was afraid it would set a precedent. I have been feeling kind of on the cheap side with my tip though. Maybe I’ll up it next time. Till now it’s been $13 haircut, $5 tip. Maybe next time I’ll just give him a 20 and be done with it.

Anyway, here’s the before and after. The first picture is my bed-head from two days ago. It seemed like a good way to show the old length.

Goodbye, long and troublesome hair.

Hello, short stress-free hair.  I love you.

Mulching: Done. (Almost)

There are a few things I want to get done before I leave for Nebraska on Monday.

1) Pay the bills.
2) Get my hair cut.
3) Pack.
4) Mulch.

It won’t take long to pay the bills. I should probably do that tomorrow though. Getting my hair cut will happen tomorrow too. I probably won’t pack until Monday morning. Packing under pressure is always the best way to go. If I’m so frazzled I forget something, that means I get to buy a new one! Yay!

That just leaves the mulching. I actually have been working on it for a few days this week. I have to send out some props to Denis, who carted many wheelbarrow loads to the back yard. And after a little more work yesterday, the back yard is finished. The “before” and “after” pictures are below. Putting down mulch is like laying new carpeting or making the bed. It makes the whole garden look better.

After I dress up the front yard plantings, the mulching will be done. Then I should mow the lawn.

Messy, messy.

Almost the same time of day, but one day later. Can you find all the differences?

Fortified with Minerals?

Yesterday I came to school to find my classroom had been emptied into the hallway. I knew it was coming, but didn’t think it would happen already yesterday. It mostly wasn’t a problem, except I would have liked to move my fish tank myself. I was glad they hadn’t moved my desk yet. It still had lots of stuff on it. I cleaned it off so the summer workers could move it into the hallway as well.

One of the things on my desk was my school water bottle. Each year at the beginning of the year I save a gatorade bottle or plastic water bottle and use it as my drinking container all year. This year it was a Dasani bottle. It’s always very interesting because our water at school has dirt or rust or something in it and over time the bottle gets darker and darker. I always comforted myself by saying it was extra minerals in my diet. Truthfully, there was probably something bacterial going on as well. But what does not kill you makes you stronger, right? Unless it just makes you hurt a lot or something.

Now with yummy brown goodness!

Candy Plus

I tend to fall asleep a lot during meetigs. …Okay, okay… I tend to fall asleep a lot during anything. Anyway, I’ve been trying to stay awake this week during our meetings. I have to say I’ve done a pretty good job. But I have had help.

I tried coffee the first couple of days, but it made me really have to go to the bathroom, which was difficult if someone was in the middle of an emotional speech or something. Yesterday I tried something new: a Snickers bar with caffeine and taurine and B vitamins. An energy drink candy bar?

It tasted mostly like a Snickers, but there was a sour/bitter taste to it. I recognized this odd taste from energy drinks I’ve had in the past. It was the taurine. I don’t care for it at all. I did feel the boost to my alertness though. It kept me awake like crazy. In fact, it gave me a slight headache. I did feel my mid-morning sleepiness, but I did not succumb. The candy performed as advertised. I stayed awake.

Would I buy one of these again? I don’t know. I like candy. I like staying awake when I’m supposed to. But I don’t like the taste of taurine.

Now made with real rhinoceros!

I Hate That Tree

I still haven’t spread the mulch that was delivered on Sunday. It’s just been too dang hot. When I get home from our teacher meetings, I go to the garden right away, but I can only pull a few weeds, then I need to get inside. If I wait until 7:00 or so, things have started to cool down. The last couple of nights I’ve been spraying poison on all the weeds in the back yard. The mulch will do a pretty good job of preventing new weeds from sprouting, but existing weeds sometimes have enough energy to poke up through a layer of mulch and keep growing. So I poison them. I usually just work in the clothes I’m wearing. I’m just going to have to wash them anyway, so why put on different clothes and double my laundry work?

Last night after poisoning things, I wanted to do one more thing: stake and tie up my eucalyptus tree. Because it grows against the brick wall in my back yard, it survived the winter with no problem at all, but it’s really leaning. I was just stepping into the area against the back wall when the mulberry tree dropped a mulberry on me. On one of my favorite shirts. I hate that tree.

Is there any stain where soaking in cold water is NOT appropriate?

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