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To the Dentist

I part of my Bradaptation Day celebrations included a trip to the dentist. I love any kind of attention, so this was an awesome way to celebrate.

I was just there for a routine cleaning. It was nice, except I saw a different dentist. Instead of being praised for flossing daily, I was scolded for how much my gums bled. It was little wonder that they did, because this lady poked them pretty hard with a pointy metal thing. Anyway, after a scary speech about how bleeding gums means inflammation, and inflammation means bacteria, and bacteria could mean an infection that enters my bloodstream and damages my major organs and leads to death, she suggested I get some product called Omni Gel. It’s an antibacterial gel I’m supposed to brush onto my gums before going to bed. I bought it to get this new lady off my back. I have no intention of using it.

As I checked out, I saw some sugarless candies and “teeth whiteners” in a bowl. I took a whitener, thinking it might interest Lauren. All it was was a mint sweetened with sorbitol.

The cost of getting away without more unpleasant lectures.


  1. Deanne

    Hm. I had a different person the last time I went to the dentist. I haven’t gone back. I need to find another one now.

    Bad, mean dentists!

  2. Carol

    …and now for a positive new dentist post: recently when chewing gum began to stick to an upper right molar and a teensy white hard bit came out with the gum, I had to make an appointment in an effort to avoid what happened on the other side years ago (insert here a picture of a squirrel with right jowl filled with nuts to get the visual effect). Realizing my dentist had retired/died (it’s been so long, I’m not sure which), I had to find another one who is with The Plan – and wound up with a guy who shares his office with (and I am not making this up) a pediatrician, podiatrist and gynecologist. While I was skeptical due to that layout, he turned out to be quite an experienced professional who immediately cited the problem, was able to work me in for my temporary crown (royal wave, thank you!) the very next day, and has yet to cause me an ounce of pain much less even discomfort. My mouth feels funny with this hardware in it until August 5th, but if allowed me to miss the joy of an abscess and continue eating regular people food in the process, I’m all over it. Any locals who want a name, let me know…

    • Michele

      My father loves those multi-purpose medical office buildings too. One day while having his eyes checked (I should say “eye” since one is glass) he had time to kill while his eye was dilating. He took a short walk to another office and decided to have a vasectomy! I guess after five kids, now was a good time. My mother had been hinting for years. Needless to say, it was a good use of time that would have otherwise been wasted!

      • Lauren

        THAT is one-stop shopping!

        • Karla

          Or would that be an impulse buy?

  3. Beth

    I LOVE my dentist. But his hygienist is really quite horrible. In fact I went two years between visits (which is rare) because she was so horrible…

    It was two years because I was chicken to call in and request a different hygienist when scheduling the appointment. Mostly because my dentist’s regular woman (the horrible one) happens to be his wife.

    Still, I called, was bold in my request, and will never have to see evil Mary again. And bonus – I still get to see my beloved dentist. All is well in my dental world.

    (I wish hygienists understood that POSITIVE reinforcement, no matter the condition of anyone’s teeth is the way to get people to improve. Not scare tactics. Stupid hygienists. Getting off soap box now.)

  4. Peggy

    Dental work … gives me the jibblies.

  5. Deanne

    Brad, thank you for watching your posts & comments carefully!

    Would you please post more pictures and video of sweet Max? (or Maks…)

    • Michele

      I would post them myself if I could Deanne. The little guy is adorable. We spent over an hour yesterday just looking at him sleep (after he snacked on my big toe -ouch!) It was, “Awww, look at him sleep!… Awww look, he just yawned!… Awww, look at him stretch!…” You get the picture.

      • Karla

        N’yuck. You get the picture…

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