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I think Max has some toilet issues. Whenever I go to the bathroom, if I leave the door open, Max follows. That’s not too unusual for a pet. But as soon as I lift the toilet lid, he raises up on his hind legs and looks in. I don’t know if he wants to drink (eewww), or if he’s just curious, but I don’t like it.

Yesterday I recorded two separate incidents, one in each of my bathrooms. What the heck? It may look cute and all, but it’s just gross. Cut it out, Max.

Stretching to see the water fill up again.

He's TOUCHING the rim!  With his bare paw!  Ack!


  1. Lauren

    Just don’t let him learn about this or your water bill is going to skyrocket! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WofFb_eOxxA

  2. Beth

    Tim does the same thing! Maybe they’re related? In fact, Tim even does what Lauren linked to…

  3. Lauren

    I also have to say – that toilet is SPOTLESS! Wow!

    • Beth

      It’s the toilet tabs. Brad turned me on to those suckers, and I’ll never go back. I haven’t had to scrub a toilet in ages!

      • Peggy

        What toilet tabs? Share up …

        because I’m thinking I’d rather drink out of that super clean toilet than Brad’s water bottle.

        • Beth

          The bleach kind that look like giant Alka Seltzers. I buy the absolute cheapest kind at Wal-Mart (mayber $1.47), and they last for nearly 3 months. No toilet scrubbing. They’re amazing.

          One note: If you have pets at home (or children) who drink out of, or play in the water, you really should be in the habit of closing your toilet lid, since it’s bleach-based cleaner. But seriously, it’s called a lid for a reason. That’s my disclaimer for bleach-oppositionists.

  4. Kim

    Hi Max! Yay!

    Now go wash your paws.

  5. Peggy

    My bet is he’s wondering why there’s water in your litter box … and why you aren’t jumping thru the hole to do your business.

    Your’re a genius Max!!!!

  6. Karla

    Jack had about a 6 month period when he would coming sprinting any time he heard a toilet flush. He would have to peer in the bowl to see what was going on, and then as the tank refilled, he would bat at the water (and, I’m guessing, the cat in the water that was looking up at him). I’d say that Max will be fine, but Jack has many issues and has spent most of his life medicated. Good luck with all that. 😉

  7. Carol

    Having just returned from a thoroughly relaxing auto tour of the three C’s of Ohio – Cleveland, Cincinnati and Columbus – may I say I am now completely exhausted reading about how busy you have been in my absence. There was pew-cutting, pond-reshaping, ring-buying, toilet bowl flushing – you’d better watch it, Mister. S***** is going to start again in a few weeks and you’re gonna need that energy big time. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya’ now!

    • Brad

      Lucky for you that you didn’t say the “S” word, or I’d have had to come over there and teach you a lesson.

      Wait… I don’t want to teach lessons yet. That’s still weeks away. Ahh!

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