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A Moister Mouth

Happy Birthday to my niece Rachel! She’s sixteen! I got a card last week. It’s still on my desk at school.

I stopped at the grocery store yesterday because after school today we’re having a meeting that promises to be very long. We’re all bringing various salad ingredients to share so that we have something to sustain us. I got bean sprouts and ginger-sesame dressing.

At the grocery store, I decided to walk down the toothpaste aisle, just to give a look. They had all the usual offerings. But then I noticed various weird and medicinal-looking toothpastes. Among them was a box talking about dry mouth. Remembering the Tom’s of Maine box mentions xylitol as a moistener, I grabbed a box of this new toothpaste and read the ingredients. No sucralose or aspartame. It was sweetened with sorbitol and xylitol! Cool! I got a tube.

It is called Biotene. It has other claims on the box besides making your mouth feel not dry anymore. (Wouldn’t water fix that?) It says it has enzymes to help control bacteria. I used it last night. It was pretty good. Not as good as Tom’s, but pretty good. It had an interesting taste… it reminded me of how a dentist’s office smells. I will use it for a while and see how I like it…

Does the name sound like a band-aid to you too?


  1. Lauren

    So, if you were really, really nervous before a presentation, could you squirt some of this in your mouth? My mouth always dries up.

  2. Peggy

    I don’t know … it sounds more like chemical warfare to me …

    3 CANKERS DESTROYED in SURPRISE ATTACK (full story pg. 6)

  3. Deanne

    We have this. I think Leo picked it up somewhere. It’s fine, but I prefer other stuff. Then again, I’m not a connoisseur like you.

  4. Carol

    Many thoughts about now (post-very long meeting but pre-bedtime coma):

    1. Thank you for the bean sprouts – my former roomie in Chicago used to grow them in a Mason jar with a screen for the seeds…no, wait, those were alfalfa sprouts! Just the same, I loved your bean sprouts for our salad today…Brad’s Bean Sprouts…great brand name, don’tcha’ think? A small business venture for you – right after you begin beer gardening for fun and profit.

    2. You ain’t just whistlin’ eternity there, Buddy. Meeting itself did not even start until 4:39 p.m.forcryinoutloud! [I know because I had a clear view of the atomic clock on the “lunchroom” wall. Tick. Tick. Tick…..] Maybe we Lutherans don’t have purgatory, but today might pass for a reasonable facsimile.

    3. The brand name of your new dentifrice sounds like a spray product some Moms use on their youngins’ boo-booed knees. Does this mean if I spread Biotene on an abrasion it will take the “owie” away…or my owie will just smell like a dentist’s office?

    4. What do the alleged enzymes use to control the bacteria: a whip and a chair? just sound classroom management techniques?

    • Annette

      So it’s “atomic.” I wondered why everyone acted confused when I referred to the anatomic clocks in the building. (Which really has nothing to do with toothpaste).

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