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Having the Shakes

This whole past week we’ve been having trouble with our internet connection at school. Some days there has been no internet at all, but most days it might be up for a period of time in the morning, then down, then up for a few minutes, then down. It’s been awful.

I think if for some reason our school decided to stop having internet service, I’d seriously consider working someplace else. Besides all the messing around I do on the internet, I use it for a whole bunch of regular day-to-day things. Did you know MS Word uses the internet when you want to insert clip art? Because the internet connection was down, I had to use a wingding symbol for a worksheet I typed up. A wingding symbol, I tell you!



  1. Beth

    If the internet ever was permanently lost to this house, we’d move.

    My condolences.

  2. Michele

    I love wingding symbols! I should use them more often.

  3. Michele

    OK – so my morning routine is to check Bradaptation and to check BLS Mail Access (school email from home.) Then I brush my teeth and move on.
    Guess what is down this morning? Yep – can’t check school email! Stupid internet! I’m off to brush my teeth …

  4. Peggy

    🙁 Agreed. Sooooooo painful….especially for those in a galaxy, far, far away!

  5. Lauren

    Lloyd’s parents are visiting, so I haven’t been able to read this until just now (in the car on the way to Omaha). Why don’t you just draw your little stick people? They were my inspiration for art!

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