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Waterfall Done… For Now

I came home right after school yesterday and worked on the pond waterfall some more. It has been in half-built disarray for several weeks now. Now it's at least assembled.

But I don't like it.

I imagine I'll be fiddling with it forever: pulling a corner apart and re-assembling, re-ordering a row of rocks here and there. Maybe someday I'll like it. For now it will look like this. But winter might come before I get to fiddling with it again. I keep having weekend commitments that spoil my plans to do some work at home.

After being so productive last night, I slept in this morning. It was awesome! I would have slept longer, but had crazy dreams that made me get up. But then I laid down on the couch and turned on the TV and slept some more! Woo hoo! I slept through an episode of Angel. They do a lot of quiet talking, so it's a good show to sleep to.

I can't figure out what I don't like about this.


  1. Lauren

    Honestly, that is beautiful. Actually, to make it perfect you could add some tiny people so it would look like a diorama of Niagra Falls.

    • Lloyd

      Or a little Land of the Lost boat and some dinosaurs.

  2. Kim

    I love how it blends in with the wall of your house-you better figure out where the water pouring out of your wall is coming from, that could be a problem.

  3. Brady G.

    You may need to monitor the water level because if too much of the water splashes out, it could eventually damage your pump. Note: from previous pond/waterfall building experience.

  4. Peggy

    Hey, that has turned out really nice!!

    Do you think I could slide down it…to mark that off my teenage list of things not quite accomplished?

    • Beth

      You can slide down it…but only if you take a picture for al lof us to laugh at enjoy.

  5. Deanne

    I’m very jealous of your good night’s sleep. I woke up at 4:00, stayed in bed until 5:00 or so, and then just gave in & got up. I accomplished nothing, and then at 7:30 I ran. Just now I managed a little nap, but I thought it was 5:30 (instead of 4:30), so I made myself get up, because I have something to go to at 7:00. Ah, well.

  6. Carol

    This really is a tranquil scene, Brad…except for what looks like a ring of blood stain at the top/source of the waterfall. Something you’d like to tell us about? (Anybody a few rabbits down at their house?)

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