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Block Party

The neighborhood association of the area my church is in had a block party yesterday. It was supposed to happen last Saturday, but it got rained out. By contrast, yesterday was gorgeous. The block party was in the parking lot of my church, which was an awesome community outreach opportunity. Yay! But it meant volunteers were needed from 12pm – 5pm. D'oh!

I showed up to the Compassion Center at the regular opening time of 10am. The next two hours were just like usual. Fussing with the hangers seems to work for me. I don't feel so useless. At noon, the block party started. It was fun to be working at the Center and hearing music on the sound system they brought in.

After a while, I went outside to sit at our church's Boy Scout table. I'm going to be on the troop council. It's only a once-a-month commitment, and I can still feel like I'm helping. Once I was outside, the music was less fun. The speakers were pointed right at all the tables. Yikes! And the cool of the day wasn't so cool once I was sitting in the blazing sun. I'm glad I brought sunscreen.

They kept playing some song where the guy repeated 'booty call' over and over.

At 2pm, the pastor asked if I could sit in front of some dividers we had set up inside the church. People were moving them so they could use the bathrooms instead of the portable potty they were supposed to use. It was cooler there, and less loud, but it was mind-numbing. I sat there for three hours. I scrounged for some reading material. I ended up reading the Lutheran Women's Quarterly from cover to cover. Twice.

I'm sorry, this part of the building is closed for the day.


  1. Carol

    Wow – what a packed day you had! (And I was merely in my classroom from 8 am until after 5 p.m. – not nearly so exciting.) Hmm…how exceptional that the community loudspeakers did not resound with “A Mighty Fortress” or “The Church’s One Foundation” like at most block parties. Just think: in the area near our school, loud music of any sort would have brought out the constables, I’m sure.

    …and how iwas the LWML Quarterly then – gripping, as always, I imagine?

    By the way, that is one killer walnut holding down the papers on the Scouts’ table, particularly next to the “billy club” resting on the other pile there. (Seriously – these could have been lethal weapons in the wrong hands, no?)

    You need a day off now, Neighbor. I say Monday’s looking good…

  2. Lauren

    Aw, a little party for one. It looks more like you got in trouble and had to sit in time-out. Are you sure people were using the bathrooms?

  3. Beth

    So…at the risk of seeming…well…I don’t know…

    But, did anyone come? Because it doesn’t look very “Party!”-ish around there…

    • kiwe

      They were all sleeping in the church!

      • Brad

        Heh. Actually, it was rained out last week, so this was the rain date. The crowd was pretty small, especially at the beginning when I was sitting at the Boy Scout table.

        • Beth

          Your new gravatar rocks.

  4. Peggy

    3 hours!!! Yikes!! You’re a good sport Charlie Brown! And you actually stayed awake? Or did you have a mustache drawn on your face when you got home?

    BTW: What other cool stuff did they have at the party besides the boy scout table & bathroom usage?

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