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I stopped at the grocery store yesterday and upon entering the store was greeted by a Romantics song from 1983 called Talking in Your Sleep. I noticed it because it was the second time I’ve heard it in a couple of days.

Talking in Your Sleep is the first song I ever recorded off the radio. I didn’t realize that the tape didn’t care what volume the radio was on, and I wanted a loud recording, so I put the boombox speakers into the carpet, turned the volume all the way up, and recorded. I was hoping not to disturb anyone (or be embarrassed if they thought it was silly to record a song off the radio), so I also kneeled on top of the boombox. The result was a static-filled version of the song that I listened to for many months.

Here is where I was in the grocery store as I sang along:

I hear... the secrets that you keep... when you're talking in your sleep...

And here is how you can sing along (or belly laugh like I did):


  1. Lauren

    That was HILARIOUS! I can’t decide which is funnier – their awesome hair or the fact that they all look like they’re twelve years old.

    The first song I ever recorded was Sting singing ‘The Angel Gabriel’, but it was off of the tiny black-and-white t.v. in the kitchen. Tape player positioned right by the tinny speaker – heaven.

  2. Annette

    Love the heels…..
    I’m sure there’s enough hairspray in that video that Lauren could just rub her head up against the monitor.

  3. Beth

    Two things:

    1. The first song I ever recorded was “I Miss You” by Climax. And I had a very sophisticated boombox that had a little button I could push if I was recording from the radio, and that little button kept the outside noise from being recorded. So my tape was. crystal. clear. (I was also a 5th grader so my standards were low.)

    2. The most humiliating part about that video is that my hair looked like that when I was in fourth grade. After Mrs. Neskaug gave me a perm. And then cut my hair like she cut the hair of everyone she had as a client. Unfortunately, she usually worked in nursing homes. *sigh*

  4. Peggy

    HA!!! I thought they were wearing wigs at 1st—as a joke—HA!

    And seriously, how can you people remember what the 1st song you ever recorded was? Especially you Brad, assuming you recorded this song more than 3 years ago…???

    Hmmm…what was I listening to in 1983?


    • Lauren

      I think it was the sense of power that accompanied the recording. Now you could have your favorite song any time you wanted it!

  5. Lloyd

    The first song I remember recording was the theme song to the superman movie when it played on TV. We were all watching it, so we had to be very quiet.

  6. kiwe

    1. I think my first recorded song was Taylor Dane “love will lead you back.” Yes, despite my rantings about how great it is to be single, I am a romantic at heart.

    2. I had a cobra hair-do in high school. It was fab.

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