Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Gift Cards

I got some Barnes and Noble gift cards from some kids for Christmas. I wanted to do something extra special with them and buy some big thing that I kept forever. But while I was in a Barnes and Noble in Nebraska, I noticed that a book I wanted for my classroom was 50% off. Then I noticed that another book I wanted was 20% off. I got both books. They used up all my gift card money. Dang.

Since I’ve put the books in my room, they have both been huge hits. Kids come into my room and go right to the bookshelf to look through the books until class starts. Then they do classwork quickly so they can have a few minutes to look some more. Ehhhxcellent…

The books are the 2009 “Guinness Book Records”, and the 2009 “Top Ten of Everything”. I tell you, Middle School Boys LOVE these books. I’m glad I got them… even if it did use up all my gift cards.

So sparkly... so shiny...


  1. Lauren

    Holy References, Batman! You have a ton of cool books on that shelf! I wish I was a middle schooler.

  2. Beth

    When I was in middle school, my teachers kept about a million old issues of Reader’s Digest on a bookshelf.

    I’m pretty sure in my years there I read every one of them.

    I’m also pretty sure not a single boy in my classes ever once even touched one. Ever.

    • Brad

      I read Readers Digest in middle school. I liked reading the “Drama in Real Life” stories…. except they gave me graphic details about being maimed in some violent way. Now I can worry about:

      -my parachute not opening
      -crashing in an airplane
      -going off a bridge and sinking underwater in a car
      -being violently allergic to an insect bite or sting
      -getting crushed at a construction site
      -being stuck inside a cement truck while it’s spinning.
      -falling down a deep hole and being wedged between massive slabs of rock

      These are actual stories I remember reading.

      • Beth

        Who says you don’t have a good memory? 😀

      • Carol

        I think I remember most of those myself, Brad. If it weren’t for the full-color photos of [what was left of] the people, I’d have thought they were all made up just to sell the magazines. Nobody does that now, do they?

        • Beth

          “What was left of” – heh.

  3. Deanne

    I love it when I go to someone’s house and they have reader’s digest in the bathroom. I usually steal it for pre-bedtime reading. It’s very different now, though.

    • Carol

      What’s very different now, Deanna: your bedtime…Reader’s Digest…the bathrooms you visit…?

      (We grammarians have to jump on those ambiguous antecedents like kittens do on moving insects. Sorry…)

  4. Lauren

    Where’s your post? What’s going on?

    • Brad

      Sorry… I had to get to school to take a better picture of one of my notes.

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