Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

First Dual

Our first wrestling competition of the season was yesterday. It was away. The other school’s gym was impressive. Upon entering, one of our boys said that it looked like a YMCA. They have a whole room dedicated to wrestling in which they had two mats set up. They had 42 wrestlers to our 16, so most of our guys wrestled three times.

Because there were so many matches, we wrestled two at a time. I was a little nervous about that because I’m not yet so good at making suggestions during live wrestling. If Dave would be focusing on one of the mats, who would help the boys on the other mat? Fortunately we’ve been having a recent graduate help us and he could come along. He did a great job of making suggestions. His most frequent comment was: “Get off your knees.” I’ll have to remember that for next time.

Our guys did well. We won about half our matches. But they all worked hard, which really was our goal.

Dave's in the distance to the left, then me, then Tony.


  1. Lauren

    Three times to wrestle? Whew – good thing they have limitless energy.

    After it was over, did you play Venn Diagram games with the kids on the map?

  2. Deanne

    Nice going, coach!!

  3. Beth

    Other helpful things to say (for the general population of bradaptationland, in case you ever go to a wrestling event):

    “Hips up!” – that’s similar to “Get off your knees.”, but it’s more specific to when a kid is on the bottom to help prevent a pin.

    “Spread!” – that’s about going into a spread eagle sort of position to keep the other guy from gaining control of your leg or foot, or making him lose control of your leg or foot.

    “Spin!” – Once a kid has hand control and has forced the other guy to his knees, this is helpful in encouraging a kid to spin around to the backside of his opponent in order to achieve the takedown.

    Now, you’re all a little better prepared.

    This message brought to you by Beth, the Wrestling Coach’s Widow.

    • Brady G.

      I might use these in the classroom. Would that be an appropriate use of the terms?

      • Peggy

        HA! Do it…let me know the day you decide to randomly shout them out…I want to see the kids expressions…I wonder if anyone will run to get the nurse?

        Congratulations Brad!! Way to kick off the season!!

        “Shoot” “Keep your head up”

    • Brad

      I think these all sound like dancing terms. hehe…

    • Michele

      I noticed “BREATH” is missing from the list. That’s what I tend to yell from the stands!

  4. Michele

    WOW – you look so “coachy” in your coach clothes! Why aren’t you squatting like that other guy?

    This is such a contrast to when they asked us to yell out our favorite sports team at Youthquake and you just screamed – he, he!

    • Brad

      I only squatted during the matches. This was an in-between time. I don’t know what Tony is doing. It looks like he’s talking to someone, but it doesn’t look like I’m listening. Kyle is just off the right edge of the picture. He may be telling Kyle something.

  5. Kim

    All I can say is AWESOME! If Brad hadn’t agreed to run the ms wrestling program, we would not have a team this year…that would have been a waste. Thanks, Brad!

    All the kids wrestled so tough; I can’t wait for our meet on Friday.

    • Carol

      I’ll second all of that!

      –chief of the 6th grade advisory seemingly loaded with BLMS wrestler guys

  6. Aunt Bev

    Beth having some basketball coaching on her resume and now you having wrestling coaching…..Your cousin being the first girl to letter in wrestling for 4 years….Another cousin proficient in baseball……Your neices in Basketball and Volleyball……Your second cousin wrestling now……What an athletic family!!!!!.

    Aunt Bev 🙂

    • Aunt Bev

      Oops, I forgot about your dad in football, one aunt in softball and one aunt in volleyball. The list goes on and on…….

  7. Carol

    Some day somebody’s going to have to explain to me how one can “win a match” without actually “pinning” anyone. E.g., “So, did you pin anyone yesterday, Gage?” “Nah…but I won my first match!” “OK then!” (walking away confused…)

    …and I assume the pinning to which we are referring has nothing to do with going steady, proms, or any of that nonsense…right?

    –non-athlete since high school (but I do a mean half hour on the treadmill now!)

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