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More Crabs

Yesterday I split a dozen crabs with Denis. He said he had a leftover surgery sheet that would keep all the juices off of the table, so we could eat them while watching TV. My coffee table is too low for eating, so I propped it up on paint cans. Since the big Ravens game was on, we decided to watch Speed Racer.

The movie has an unusual, cartoony look to it and of course it has lots of racing scenes. It’s not a very good movie to watch while eating crabs. You can’t look away at all during the racing sequences, so you sit with a piece of crab in your hand for ten minutes or so, then pick at the shell quickly while the people are congratulating each other. I didn’t cry during the movie, but I did laugh out loud or make other noises more than once while watching. I pronounce it a pretty good movie.

I spent the rest of the night being extremely thirsty. I continued drinking from the end of the meal until bedtime. The salty crab spices are delicious…

Max didn't get any.


  1. Deanne

    Did Max help with the cleanup?

    It took me a while to notice the paint cans. Awesome idea!

  2. Peggy

    Sorry you had such a crabby weekend. My condolences.

  3. Kim

    “leftover surgery sheet”…as in used? I guess you wouldn’t notice once you dug into the crabs.

  4. Lauren

    I am thoroughly impressed with your ingenuity! I think you should leave that up on the cans full-time!

    Mmmmmm….. spicy crabs…. too bad they look like spiders, or I could still eat them.

  5. Beth

    I like the cans. Not the crabs so much, but the cans – very clever.

    And Max is getting MUCH bigger. This is an interesting size comparison shot…with him on the couch. He’s definitely bigger than last I noticed.

    • Karla

      I was going to say the same thing – Max is HUGE!!

    • Lloyd

      He might just be closer.

  6. Carol

    We once had a brother and sister cat that allowed us to share their home. (Those owned by cats will totally get that phraseology.) The brother loved chicken and would walk on his hind legs around the kitchen table, front paws and nose at table level in hopes of a humble donation his way if he smelled us eating any. The sister was the seafood fiend – and she LOVED crabs in particular. We’d have to crack them on the picnic table outside to prevent shell fragments from flying in the house, so she would sit on the bench next to us and wait for her “cut”. When I die, I want to come back as my own pets – they get perks I’d never even dream of (like pre-picked crab meat). Sad Max didn’t get any crab meat that night. (…uh, that is what you meant…right? I mean, he’s still a veritable kitten and all. Ahem.)

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