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Yesterday was our last “away” wrestling dual. There must’ve been a bunch of other teams traveling as well, because we got a rented bus. Normally, I would drive one of the school’s 15 passenger micro-buses, but I guess they were taken. We rode on a luxurious rented micro-bus. The seats were very comfortable and there were overhead baggage racks.

Our dual went very well. It was a good match-up of schools again, so the matches were hall hard-fought. We won more than half of them! Woo hoo!

On the way back, the bus was pretty empty. Parents had come to the dual and taken all but three of the kids. In the relative quiet on the way home, I graded papers.

Look at me!  I'm being efficient!

BREAKING NEWS: Baltimore schools are once again cancelling school for the prediction of snow. I was expecting tomorrow to be cancelled, but today? I don’t know if I should say “Woo hoo!” or “Dang it!”. How am I ever going to establish my work routine?


  1. Lauren

    If Lloyd were awake, he’d say that you stink. We’ve had the threat of snow the past two days and it’s come to nothing. No snow days here.

    If I were awake, I’d tell you that I need to see more pictures of the inside of that bus. It sounds like good daydreaming fodder. Could I live in it?

  2. Beth

    Do you always grade in turquoise? Or do you switch colors to keep the kids from associating any one color with “bad kid!”

  3. Carol

    Amazingly enough, Brad, I’m sort of with ya’ on the closing today. It’s stopped snowing here an hour ago, and it sounds like tomorrow morning is going to be awful, so two days in a row out of routine…

    But, heck, I’ve already put in an hour or so of stitching, am making hot breakfast now and have closet-cleaning dreams for later in the day, so what am I whining about here? Enjoy, everyone! (Sorry, Nebraska – bet the entire concept of staying home for winter weather is foreign to you, no? Gotta move to Merlin, Hon!)

    • Beth

      It is foreign.

      Did you know that out in the country here you can often see these little tiny buildings at the end of driveways that look like guard shacks, or even an outhouse? And do you know what they’re for?
      People build those for their kids to wait in until the bus arrives to pick them up for school.
      That’s about as much as we do for winter weather.

      “Just build a bus shack, Jim, the kids will always have school.”

      • Kim

        We had a shack like that to wait for the bus where I grew up in Wisconsin. I only remember getting off school if it was so cold your skin would freeze if it was exposed. Not for 1-3 inches.

        But, those 5 paragraph themes that I have been ignoring will finally get finished today. And one of our neighborbabies has come to spend the day with us.

        Wrestling has been awesome. You and Dave have been doing such a great job with the team. I am really looking forward to seeing these kids move on up to varsity. Brooks win yesterday was my highlight!

  4. Peggy

    Congratulations BLS MS wrestling team!! What a year you’re having!! Kudos to the awesome Coaches…you deserve to ride in luxury!

    And to all you workaholics…enjoy your snow day! Or try this: Make some delicious chocolate chip cookies, watch a good movie, take your dog for a walk in the snow (or watch the snow falling with your hairless cat from the window), finish a dumb book, take a nap, mess around on the computer, eat the cookies…for more ideas, feel free to call.

  5. Lloyd

    I hear that next season the wrestling meets will conclude with the coaches wrestling.

  6. Michele

    I just watched my boys wrestle in the family room – they had to stop on the second round when David got a bloody nose – surprise, surprise.
    Brad – Martha would be proud of you taking advantage of the time to do “correcting” on the bus – good boy!
    As for the day off … it was like a gift from heaven as far as I’m concerned. I grabbed an extra four hours of sleep then ran to one of the many local Dunkin Donuts (sorry Beth) and figured it was a good day for “TWO large coffees with extra cream.” Yummm!

  7. Deanne

    I think I missed yesterday’s post completely! I don’t know how that happened… I’m so ashamed.

    We’re having ice here. I’m not going in to work.

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