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Some Accomplishments

Third Quarter ended on Friday. I had let grading pile up a little, so I spent most of yesterday at school. First, I went before church. I get a lot done in those two hours. Normally it’s enough. But because of my gunny-sacking, I had to go back after church as well. I was excited to see that my Arabian Jasmine plant is blooming. But I wasn’t happy that it was happening over the weekend. This seems to happen each year: the plant blooms when no one is around to enjoy it. There are a few more buds. Hopefully they’ll open during the week.

A most delicious-smelling flower.

I came home to a surprise: natural light in my stairwell. Denis said he was curious, so he started poking at the ceiling where the skylight is. As it turns out, it was only covered by a piece of plywood. It came right off! The skylight hole is deeper than I expected.

Voila!  Skylight!

The skylights are vented. They’re actually open to the outside. Won’t all the heat go straight up and out? I’ll need to ask someone about this…


  1. Lauren

    I am unfamiliar with the term ‘gunny-sacking’. You didn’t get your work done because you were having races at a picnic?

    Your skylight looks amazing!!! Is there some sort of crank for the vent?

    • Brad

      I learned that term from Gil Daenzer. I’ve never heard anyone use it except for him, but I assumed at least someone else used it. Now that I search a little online, I see that it is not a common-use phrase.

      The vent has a little flap over it with a string attached, but it is in no way airtight. My first impulse is to seal it tightly with silicone. I’m going to call the roofers today to ask how to use it.

  2. Beth

    That really has to brighten the whole stairwell and landing (because it was really kind of dark before) – wooohooo!!

    I’ll see it on Wednesday!!! (But I’ll actually see the daylight coming through on Thursday…)

  3. Peggy

    So is gunny-sacking a good thing? Or is it something I do way tooo often?

    Super cool skylight!!!

  4. Deanne

    And God said, “Let there be light. And there was light. And it was good.” But the venting was not good.

    • Kim

      heh. Brad, don’t be too quick to cover up the vents…maybe they will work better than you think? I think you need to do a google search on skylight vents and how they work.

      • Brad

        Here’s what my search yielded:

        “In colder climates, skylights can contribute significantly to heat loss in the winter months. A skylight is only slightly more insulating than a hole in the roof with a piece of corrugated cardboard across it.”


        • Lauren

          I can fix that problem for you. They sell towels in Maryland, right?

        • Karla

          I thought you were going to say you would set fire to it.

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