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Field Trip

Alfred, one of Denis’ friends from Easter dinner, really likes gardening. While talking with him, I said that I had Monday plans to go to my favorite garden center. Since Denis and Alfred were off of work as well, they decided to come along. The garden center is almost in Annapolis, so it’s quite a drive, but it never seems to take very long because I’m always so excited.

My visit was kind of a disappointment. I wanted to ask somebody about my cherry tree, but I had to be careful. If I asked the wrong person and they gave me stupid advice, I would either have to offend them by asking another person, or go home without a satisfactory answer. I waited and waited to ask this one guy who looked like he would know what he was talking about, but some woman was monopolizing all his time with inane questions. I got impatient and asked another guy. Big mistake. He had no idea, but he made up some answer. I even pushed him a little with some follow-up questions, but he stood his ground and continued to pretend to know what he was talking about. Dang. I went home without a satisfactory answer.

Since we were so close to Annapolis, and since Alfred had never been there, we went. We walked through the Naval Academy. As we were going in, Steve (my honey bee class teacher) and his family, were coming out. He remembered me and asked about my nose. While I was in the gift shop, I took the super-cool picture below. We ended our time in Annapolis at a seafood restaurant. It was a great first day of Spring Break.

In the Navy, yes, you can sail the seven seas...


  1. Lauren

    Why am I suddenly craving Cracker Jack?

    • Michele

      Ha! I get the prize!

  2. Lloyd

    Did he tell you that you had to cut it down with a hatchet and it would bloom after 3 years?

  3. Beth

    I’m gald you acknowledged the “super cool”ness of that picture.

  4. Peggy

    A geh, geh, geh, geh, geh, geh, geh, geh, geh….

    Hey, did you walk around the academy all day like this:


    (safe Lloyd)

  5. Peggy

    BTW: I hates you just a little.

  6. Deanne

    We’ve been to the Naval Academy with both the Boy & Girl Scouts. I hoped to inspire the girls… but all they wanted was to see boys. sigh

    • Karla

      Even the boy scouts wanted to see the boys? What?

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