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There’s an impulse-buy fern that’s been in the kitchen since the fall. It’s nice because it likes the kind of light I have in the kitchen, so it’s doing well. This spring it started sending out new stems. They’re CRAZY long. The stems grow out branchless, then branches and leaves suddenly pop out of them. One stem has seemed to be growing for a long, long time. And it seems like each time I come back into the kitchen, the stem is in a different position. It moves! Sometimes it reaches up to the light from the window over the sink, other times it stretches out into the middle of the room. I’ve been worried that I might accidentally damage it as I walk by, but in the meantime, it’s really cool looking.

This picture is to show how long the stem is:
The Pepsi bottle is for scale.  The other junk on the counter top is... for scale too.

But this picture shows how really cool the stem is. It’s like it’s reaching for you.
Feed me!


  1. Lauren

    That fern is out to get you. When it’s long enough to reach your knives, do something about it, ok?

  2. Lloyd

    Are you feeding it blood? (note to Brad: this is a reference to a musical, so you won’t get it)

    • Peggy

      hehe…maybe it’s a relative’s of Audreys

    • Brad

      I know what you’re referring to, but don’t know the story at all because I’ve never seen it… except that dentist song that Lauren made me watch.

      • Lloyd

        Well, Lauren made us get NetFlix, so I know what we can watch this Summer.

        • Lauren

          I am wicked bossy.

  3. Peggy

    Yea, be careful…the last crazy long branch I saw was one busting thru a window & snatching up a small boy…if you disappear…we’ll check your TV. (not a musical)

  4. Kristi

    What is that dark stuff in the gallon-like jug? Dark syrup??

    • Brad

      It’s specialized fertilizer made especially for aquarium plants. I dont use it anymore, but it cost me a million dollars, so I can’t quite bring myself to throw it away. Instead, it sits on my kitchen counter right above where the trash can is. That’s as far as I can get.

      • Beth

        I can take care of that for you. As early as tomorrow.

      • Karla

        Hmmm, I was going to guess that it was vanilla flavoring. I guess I was way off!

  5. Jill

    I’m going to have nightmares about that stem/branch.

  6. Curt

    I think you should leave the cap off of the fertilizer and see if the fern finds it and starts drinking it.

    • Curt

      ….or the Pepsi. That would be funny….a fern drinking Pepsi.

      • Lauren

        Ferns get so jittery – good thing it’s caffeine free.

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