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Praying Again

We had our second prayer vigil at school yesterday. There were a few tweaks since last time: none of the prayer stations had food, there were some Bibles sprinkled around the room, and it only went to 4pm instead of 10pm. We also had new prayer stations this time. I left the typed instructions at school, but I’ll be going in to do some work tomorrow morning and I’ll link to them HERE.

One of the new stations was a “Prayer Monument”. Modeling after the Old Testament believers who would build monuments and altars after being helped by God, the students were invited to paint a word or symbol on a board that represented a problem God was helping them with. The finished product was cool. There were many honest words painted on it: “self control”, “purity”, “demerits”… It will stay in the library until the end of the year.

Washable paint.  Good call, Brad.

Another new thing was tasting honey powder: “How sweet are Your words…” I had bought it a week earlier during a visit to the Korean grocery store. I hadn’t known what I would do with it, but I was curious to try it. A new prayer station seemed like the perfect opportunity to use it. I have a bag that contains probably eight cups of powder. I’ve used about half a cup now. It’s best used by November 2009, so I’ll have to get working on what to do with the rest of it.

The grains are about the same size as salt.


  1. Carol

    Can we do a prayer monument especially for faculty? I can’t be the only one who needs God’s help with my attitude, focus, and motivation in these final weeks of the school year. A nice visual would be helpful. Be sure not to put it in our building, though, where we could actually see and use it regularly.

    [See?! There’s that attitude again!]

    Thank you, Brad and Brady (I know you’re out there!) for the time, effort, and love you guys put into this experience for our little community. May this year’s be just the start of a regular tradition of overall commitment to this.

  2. Lauren

    I think it’s very cool that you guys do this, and that the kids are so into it.

    In what temperature of water does honey powder dissolve – hot or cold? I’ll buy a cup of it from you. I think some cool instant drinks could be made with that stuff.

  3. Peggy

    Well said Carol & Lauren…it is a great experience that these 2 guys create; it’s actually quite powerful & the majority of the students are really into it!! What a great idea…I hope it continues as well! Job very well done men!!

    BTW Lauren: The honey powder is magnificient!!!

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