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Cat Litter Trials: Part Two

I recently changed brands of cat litter. I had been using Scoop Away unscented. I tried many different brands when I first got Ned. Scoop Away did the best job of controlling odor. And unscented was the way to go. Scented cat litter transfers its perfume to the cat, and then to my hands when I pet the cat, and then to my face when I rub it with my hands. Thus my upper lip smells like cat litter and it’s all I can smell for the rest of the day.

Anyway, my local Petsmart stopped carrying unscented Scoop Away. They said it has stopped being made. I’m pretty sure they’re lying, but I look for it in other stores and never see it. Could I possibly have it delivered? Shipping costs would be a killer.

Since I can’t use unscented Scoop Away, I’ve had to switch. I tried Arm & Hammer litter. It’s okay at first, but after a week or so, it doesn’t control odor very well. Yesterday morning, the ammonia smell coming from the litter box literally burned my nostrils. They were still hurting while I shopped for a new litter. The unit prices of cat litter vary greatly, from 1.9 cents to 6.7 cents. Since Scoop Away falls right around 3 cents per unit, I decided to stay in that range.

The second litter in my current battery of tests: unscented Fresh Step.

Max is okay with it.  He peed in it right away.


  1. Lauren

    I don’t trust that cat on the front of the box. He has shifty eyes – like he’s trying to cheat you with his reasonably-priced, odor-eliminating magic litter.

  2. Carol

    Ooooo my! Many comments leap from my head about now:

    * Paragraph one – thanks for that olefactory “image”. Ick…..this tells everyone you don’t necessarily wash your hands after petting Max, I see….very interesting.

    * Pet stores never lie – we all know this. They just hire employees that will repeat whatever they are told the company line is regardless if it’s true or not. (??) Regardless, I recently read of the evils of flushable cat litter (like SA, I believe) – toxoplasmosis in fresh water mammals like otters caused by fecal remains of domestic cats released into waste water – so perhaps it is no longer in production for a reason…?

    * “Since I can’t use unscented Scoop Away…” HA! I hope NOT! [Now there’s a visual we’ll all have a difficult time shaking all day.]

    * “after a week or so, it doesn’t control odor very well”. Uh…we have to completely empty ours every six days (we use Yesterday’s News – recycled newspaper pellets). A few weeks may be more to expect from a litter than is possible…no?

    * Warning! Warning! Danger, Will Robinson! With a previous feline resident in our home, we tried Fresh Step…and she was allergic. Her eyes swelled shut; it was very sad. Watch Mr. Max and be sure his little naked body doesn’t have any negative reactions. If it does…I do recommend Yesterday’s News. Very absorbent…but after a week, it’s all gotta go…

    Best wishes with the new product, all! I know this can be a challenge, but once you and Max can agree upon a good product, may it be in production until the Second Coming.

  3. Curt

    I didn’t know there was so much to learn about cat litter. There is even a litter selector on that website so you get the right litter for your cat(s). So how long does that box last?

    • Brad

      My beloved Scoop Away would last about a month without stinking. I’d scoop out the lumps every couple of days, and leave the rest, topping it off as I went along. After a month I’d dump it all out and start fresh.

  4. Curt

    Isn’t litter the same word used for a cat’s kittens born at the same time?

    • Deanne

      that is a bit of an odd coincidence. She put her litter in the litter full of litter.

      • Lloyd

        And a cat might carelessly throw his or her trash away at the same time.

        • Lauren

          While being carried on a special chair by servants.

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