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Yesterday was a day of returns. I’ve been searching for a new windowsill pot ever since Max broke my old one. I tried three different new pots to no avail. Finally last weekend I found what I was looking for. That meant I had to take back the others I had bought. I also took back the IKEA chair I had gotten for Lauren since she made a magical trip to Minneapolis to get one herself. I don’t return things very often. It was kind of fun. I gave the people stuff, and they gave me money. Cool!

I was already in my truck when I took this picture.  It was hard to get everything in the shot.

And the new windowsill pot? It’s actually a tiny casserole dish. The haworthias fit perfectly. Well, actually, they’ll fit perfectly after I repot them. They’re a little over-grown right now.

It's just right.


  1. Lauren

    That is the cutest casserole pan ever! Is it ceramic or cast iron? I have an urge to make a tiny noodle dish.

    Thanks again for your willingness to help with my chair situation! I believe I promised you a poem. As always, it is in jump-rope format:

    Brad, Brad,
    he’s really rad.
    Bought a chair
    IKEA had.
    Chair was mighty big.
    UPS – money pig.
    Lauren had a field trip.
    Brad doesn’t need to ship.
    Thanks a bunch.
    (Cook a tiny lunch.)

  2. Lloyd

    This one looks more Max proof, though things might be different had Max been born with opposable thumbs.

  3. Carol

    Hope that casserole is Crazy Glued to your window sill. If Max is taking lessons at the same YFTS (young feline training school) ours kitten is, apparently anything is fair game – bathroom trash cans, anything on a dresser top or night stand, you name it – unless it is bolted down and can thereby resist the Forepaw of Doom…or, in some cases, the Butt of Doom. [He’s not exactly a gazelle in the grace department.]

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