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Experimenting with Drugs

I’ve had some pretty bad allergies going on this spring. It mostly has just been uncomfortable, but Saturday night it affected my sleep. In fact, I was so sleepy yesterday morning and so tired of the stuffiness, I stopped at a drug store and got some loratadine (generic Claritin). I’ve not taken any kind of medicine for allergies since trying Benadryl many years ago. That didn’t work out so well because of sleepiness, so I’ve stayed away from allergy medicines. Claritin claims to be non-drowsy, so I was willing to give it a try.

I had a ton of work to do yesterday, so I went directly to school after church. That’s where I swallowed the pill. And that’s where I had, in recent memory, one of the strongest tests of my willpower I’ve experienced. The box should have a warning on it that says: “May increase natural tendency for laziness.” I’m glad I was alone in the building, because I kept talking to myself: “Come on, Brad! You can do it! Focus! Stop staring! Brad, get back to work!” I didn’t finish all my work. I hope to get the last of the immediate tasks done before school this morning.

I won’t be taking another pill today. It cleared my allergy symptoms, but it also cleared all thought of work from my mind. Maybe I’ll try another one right before bed tonight. Or maybe I’ll just suffer through the allergy symptoms.

They were eighty cents each.


  1. Lauren

    Ha! Now THAT is some wasteful packaging!

    Maybe they should just put ‘laziness-inducing’ on the label. It would sell like hotcakes among vacationing business people who are having a hard time relaxing.

  2. Beth

    Sudafed. The real kind. Not the stupid PE kind.

    You’ll have to show your ID to buy it. And probably sign away your first born.

    It’s a miracle drug. Little red pills of happiness.

    • Brad

      Sudafed gives me heart palpatations and, if I take it later in the day, keeps my nighttime sleep shallow and full of nightmares.

      • Beth

        We must not be related.

    • Karla

      I read on a news site the other day that pollen counts are at record highs in Kansas City; peoples’ allergies are so bad that meth labs have started turning their ingredients back into Sudafed.

      • Brad


  3. Peggy

    I’ve been having a really hard time too. I’ve been told to take Claritin D…but I haven’t tried it yet. Is lazy different than drowsy????

    All I know is I’m having a really hard time keeping my eyes open…I want to cut holes in my eyelids so I can close them, but still see.

  4. Peggy


  5. Carol

    Thurman lives on loratidine (Wal-atin) this time of year. I have taken it in the past with a modicum of success but never you degree of laziness. After my Cough That Wouldn’t End this winter, I fear taking anything that might dry out nasal passages and induce more coughing fits as a result. So, I keep tossing opened bottles of water in my face to be able to keep grading papers without losing consciousness. Works well at keeping me awake – causes some student ink to run, though…

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