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The Wheel of Fashion Turns

It’s funny how fashion changes. Years ago, I bought a tie because it was loud and crazy and everybody would laugh when they saw me wearing it. (I can get away with wearing things to school that I’d never wear out in the general public.) It was fun to get shocked reactions from my kids when I wore such a wild tie.

Yesterday I wore that tie and no fewer than four kids made a point to compliment me on my tie. And they weren’t being ironic. Now it’s fashion. Seems weird.

Do you see triangles pointing right or triangles pointing left?

In stores lately, I’ve seen skinnier and skinnier ties. In some more trendy stores I’ve even seen 80’s skinny. I don’t prefer skinny ties. I wonder if they become what everyone wears whether I’ll wear them too. It will be interesting to find out…


  1. Lauren

    Fashion flummoxes me. Back when I used to watch What Not To Wear, it was all about ‘wide leg trousers’ and how great they made your legs look. Now what’s in? Skinny jeans. They’ve got to have some way to get your money.

  2. Beth

    Nice pink pen.

    • Brad

      My orange grading pen just ran out. I switched to pink yesterday. It was going to be my post, but I thought the tie thing was more interesting. If, indeed, you can call the tie thing interesting.

      • Deanne

        I call it interesting. “Interesting.”

  3. Kristi

    Nice fishies.

  4. Lloyd

    Now that I don’t have any middle school classes, I find my self gravitating away from the stranger ties in my collection.

  5. Peggy

    Dang, you’re just a burst of color!! A fashionable burst of bright hues!

    And in answer to your question:


    • Deborah

      Funny, Peggy!

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