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It Tastes Like Burning

I wanted to eat some chocolate chip cookie dough a couple of days ago, so I made a batch. I only ate about a cup of dough, then I cooked the rest. I had fully intended to take the baked cookies to school and leave them for whoever might eat them, but I forgot. So they sat at my house. I would eat one every once in a while, but it wasn’t the same as eating dough.

As I ate them, I noticed something else: each time I would eat a cookie, it was like I was swallowing kerosene and a match. My stomach and throat would burn terribly. Something was wrong. Could one of the ingredients have been expired or spoiled in some way that would cause an acid stomach? Weird. After I figured out what was going on, I resolved to get rid of the cookies immediately. I would normally throw them in the back yard and let the rats eat them, but ever since Orange Cat moved in under my front porch, I haven’t seen any rats (or bunnies for that matter). So I just threw the cookies away. It seems a shame, but if they would do to others what they did to me, I wouldn’t even want to give them to my enemies.

Goodbye, evil cookies.


  1. Lauren

    1. You’re leaving us hanging? No clue as to what made you sick?? Can chocolate go bad??

    2. Who is poking holes in their styrofoam with a fork? Mrs. Sommerer doesn’t allow that. (Mrs. Sommerer is a wet blanket.)

    • Brad

      1. That’s just it: I don’t know what it was. The eggs were old. Do old eggs cause an acid stomach?

      2. That was a container of french fries from the carryout place. They poke holes so the condensation doesn’t make the fries all soggy. I would never do that myself. I wouldn’t want Mrs. Sommerer to be disappointed in me.

      • Peggy

        I think old eggs causes death.

      • Lauren

        Mrs. Sommerer’s going to need the name of that establishment. She has stern words.

  2. Lloyd

    You probably got some of those new Hot Chips that Nestles is test marketing.

  3. Peggy

    Maybe you could add 1/4 cup of Zantac to your cookie recipe from now on.

  4. Kristi

    That’ll teach you. You should have eaten the whole batch of cookie dough. I hope you learned your lesson.

    • Karla

      I’ve gotta agree with Kristi on this one. Don’t let this happen again, Brad.

  5. Carol

    So, wait now: the raw dough did not have this effect, though? Hmmm…very interesting…did the already-baked cookies wind up sitting in something they then absorbed, like maybe a leaking can of lighter fluid? Having just watched Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee in “Hound of the Baskervilles”, I’m thinking you ought to call 1-800-SHE-RLOCK and see if Mr. Holmes can help you out here. Let us know what he unearths, will you?

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