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Newfangled Gadget for Young Whippersnappers

I had a great morning yesterday. I slept in a little, took a jog, pulled some weeds, then took a shower. I was all ready to sit and watch a little TV before Beth picked me up for some “uncle time”.

There are several remotes at Lloyd and Lauren’s house, but I’ve only seen them use one. It’s a universal remote. I grabbed it and pressed the “power” button. Nothing. There are a series of colored buttons under the power button. It tried those. Nothing. Then I noticed that the Blu-ray player was on. I was having at least limited success.

I texted Lloyd and Lauren both: “How do you turn on your TV?” Lloyd called and told me. He told me that you push the button labeled “Home”, then you scroll the circle-thing around until it highlights “Watch TV” then you press the check mark button (not the OK button).

Instead, I searched around for the TV remote and turned on the TV. Then I found the cable remote and turned it to a channel I wanted to watch. Being confused by technology made me feel so old.

I'm so confused.


  1. Lauren

    Amen!!!! At last, someone else who understands. My poor stupid mind has heard how to run that thing a dozen times, and while I can turn it on with the ‘watch t.v.’ directions, if he’s been watching a movie beforehand, there are eight steps that have to be taken, and I get at least one out of order. Then I curl up in a ball and sob quietly, “I just want to watch t.v. in my own house.”

  2. Carol

    Wow…a Brad flummoxed by something technological…what IS the world coming to? Now, if this had happened at our house, perfectly understandable – after all, we ARE old. Hope this isn’t a sign of similar vacation-month flummoxing to come? [And how ARE the niece and nephew, by the way?]

  3. Peggy

    HA! And I second that AMEN Lauren!

    A few years ago we got a new complicated TV & I remember not being able to turn it on. I felt like an idiot, but I swallowed my pride & sheepishly went to Matt & said, “How do you turn on the TV?” He took my hand & and proceeded to skip me off toward the TV as he said in his best making fun of me voice, ‘Let’s go turn on the TV…turning on the TV is sooo hard.’ Whenever I say or do anything he thinks is dumb, he does this…not the words…never the words… just the action. He does it perfectly.


    Although now it’s down to just a double-tap on his head with his wrist. It’s like a secret code. Feel free to use it whenever you do something dumb.

  4. Peggy

    My other son’s making fun of me mock is ‘Dee dee dee’


  5. Peggy

    I’m glad you have nice friends that don’t make fun of you, whippersnapper!

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