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Truck de Chanel

My truck must have reached a certain age: the air vents smell musty. It’s mostly noticeable when I’m using the air conditioner, but I smell it at other times too.

Last weekend when I was at Macy’s to get my face lotion, I stopped at the Bleu de Chanel counter. It’s a new men’s cologne that I saw some commercials for. I was curious, so I smelled it. The lady saw me do it, so she asked if I wanted a sample on a paper strip. I accepted. It’s a pretty nice smell. But I don’t wear cologne.

So what did I do with the paper strip? It’s stuck into the air vent of my truck. It made things smell nice for a couple days, but the fragrance has faded. I’ll have to try something else.

It's not in a vent that blows on my face.


  1. Lauren

    Yeah, what is up with that? My truck smells weird with the air on, too. It’s kind of a plant-y smell. Are things growing in the pipes? Algae?

    How about this? It might not freshen the cab of your truck, but the bed would certainly smell nice. http://denvertruckfarm.wordpress.com/

    • Brad

      It’s funny you would post that link. When I was driving home yesterday, I was wondering if houseplants could survive in the cab of the truck. It gets so freakishly hot during the day, but then can be almost cold at night… Would a houseplant survive that kind of abuse? And of course, when winter came, nothing would survive. Unless I planted some little evergreens in pots… Hmm…

      • Lloyd

        What about a cactus? Perfectly designed for the cab of a truck.

        • Lauren

          Huh. You’re not wrong.

    • Peggy

      …that link is awesome! …a batch of bruschetta made with fresh truck tomatoes…HA!

  2. Peggy

    Time flys…do you suppose your truck has already reached that age when emitting poisonous gases is inevitable?

    That paper freshner is genius!

  3. Brady G.

    duh . . . keep going back to the cologne counter. Every. Other. Day.

  4. Carol

    …OR…hit Yankee Candle’s Car Jar freshener rack before their (Buy 2 get one free!) sale ends. Each is normally only $2.99 anyway, thereby reducing the unit price to about $2.00. They don’t last so long as the clip-to-your-air-grate Push ‘n Go (which, apparently, is discontinued – of course, because it was a product I used…) but at that price…! Plus, if you only cut a corner off the wrapper and slide it down the jar over time, the fragrance can last longer (and you won’t be overcome by the strength of aroma after the truck sits in the sun all day). …OR…hang used Clorox/Lysol wipes from your rear view mirror. If you’re like me, you have some regularly from cleaning stuff in the classroom – ultimate recycling at no extra cost to you. I’m just sayin’…

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