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Pop Chips

I continue to crave extra food at lunch. When it gets too bad, I go to the lunchroom and get something from the vending machines.

Recently, having only a single one dollar bill in my wallet, I was going to have to choose carefully. Also having a quarter in my jacket helped me decide. There are a few things in the machines that cost $1.25. One of them is something I’ve never tried called Pop Chips. They are not fried or baked, so they’re supposed to be less unhealthy. I decided to get a bag, hoping their location at position B-O in the machine wasn’t a foreshadowing of how they tasted.

The bag got stuck on the way out of the dispenser, which caused the machine to keep trying, since it had a fail-safe feature. I got two bags! Woo hoo! And they didn’t taste like B.O. Woo hoo! They were actually pretty good. But maybe I should think about taking some extra lunch food with me to school. It would probably be cheaper and healthier…

I like barbecue-flavored powder.  Do they sell it by itself?  That would be genius!


  1. Lauren

    “Popped”, eh? So were they like a flat Cheeto or popcorn? Now I’m envisioning tiny flat seeds that pop up into these things. Heh heh. It’s a funny envision.

    Perhaps you could get some kid’s mom to pack you an extra sandwich?

    • Brad

      I would compare them to flat cheese puffs. They had a pleasant texture. Much better than baked chips.

      And I have had a kid’s mom pack me an extra sandwich. I used to go through the trash cans after Middle School lunch and take out the un-eaten food because it was free and it was food and it was in hermetically sealed containers. Some kid saw me do it and told his mom, who made me an extra sandwich so I wouldn’t have to pick through the trash. That ended my trash-picking days.

  2. Lloyd

    So, how do they cook them? Saute? Roast? Broil? Boil? Do any of those count as baking?

    • Brad

      I’ve seen this done with rice at the Korean grocery store in town. It’s a big machine that forces a rice dough through some small opening with hot air? It literally makes a “pop” sound, then there are the crunchy, fluffy disks of rice.

  3. Peggy

    I’ve never seen or heard of Popped Chips…are they really made of rice or potato? And do they come in plain?

    There’s a vending machine outside of my office & once my Butterfinger got stuck. I was trying to shake the machine when a maintainence man walked by.
    “Can I help?”
    “My Butterfinger is stuck.” (said pitifully, head hung in sadness)
    He was a big guy & tilted the whole machine forward & out it dropped.
    “WOW! Thanks! Do you want half? Sorry I seemed so desparate.”

    Now whenever we see each other we exchange pleasantries….

    • Brad

      The chips are made of potato. I don’t remember seeing rice in the ingredient list. The machines at school offer barbecue or sour cream and onion. In the choice between those, I usually choose barbecue.

    • Carol

      “…and they lived happily ever after.” [… oh…yea…you’re already married…with sons…never mind…]

      • Carol

        Now this was supposed to be a reply to Peggy. Last I looked, Brad was neither married nor had any sons…but if that’s changed lately, somebody clue me in.

        –Gotta love technology.

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