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I have a table in the back of my classroom that has paper and tape and staplers and things on it. I call it a ‘Student Work Station’. It mostly works out, but it’s often the place that kids mess up and don’t straighten. Since it’s no one’s desk, no one is responsible for the mess. So at the end of each day, I find myself back there, picking up papers and magic markers and such.

A while back, I noticed a half sheet of paper that had been used as a color tester. I wondered how long it would stay around if I didn’t throw it away myself. It’s interesting that people will still use it as a doodle paper, they’ll crumple it into a ball, they’ll tear it, but no one will throw it away. How long can this be sustained? I’m going to find out. I’m at two weeks and counting.

The colors are nice.  Will there eventually be no white spaces left?


  1. Kristi

    Does the back of it say, “Please don’t throw me away.”?

    Is that correct to use two punctuation marks at the end of a sentence?

  2. Peggy

    Shall we take bets? I say that paper will be there until the end of the year.

    (having tried similar experiments at my house, I’m somewhat of an expert in this area)

  3. Lauren

    I think you should frame it if it’s still there at the end of the year. It’s quite lovely, except for that one blood splatter.

  4. Carol

    Well, I think we MS employees could say with some degree of certainty that if that paper ever made it to the floor of your classroom, chances are verygood it’d still be there in June of 2011, if you catch my drift. Up on the table? I’m not willing to make a commitment. But my “communal work area” (more of an upper school delineation, I suppose) gets the same look about it, so I feel your pain. Nobody takes the responsibility to put things back from whence they came.

    [This year’s real problem area for me: by the exit door where textbooks are left before students depart my room. Some days it looks like they’re purposely tossing waste onto a pile for a future bonfire when it should look more like 3-4 neat stacks of books ready for re-use in 4 minutes by the next group of students. No thought for the next person. Grafitti on desks is creeping in again, too. Sigh. Must be time for a break soon, eh?]

  5. anna

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