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On Thursdays, different groups at school sell lunch to raise funds for their particular cause. Yesterday was a Chick-fil-A day. After getting my chicken sandwich and starting to walk away from the counter, I did a double-take. There was a new contraption hanging on the wall. It was a plasticware dispenser. Amazing! I had to push the lever down to test it. Out popped a utensil. So cool!

Behold!  The wonders of modern technology.

But as I was taking a picture of it with all the high school students watching me, one of them shouted out: “It’s a lie! It doesn’t dispense spoons!” I looked closer to see what he meant. He was right. They were sporks.


  1. Lauren

    *sigh* That machine makes me sad. 🙁

    On the other hand, if you actually use each sporks for their multi-purposes instead of using once then throwing away, I guess all is not lost. Hmmmm…. what could the multi-purposes be? 1. eating. 2. stirring paint 3. a tiny, breakable shovel 4. …..shiv? That’s a full day right there.

  2. Lloyd

    There is no spoon.

    • Peggy

      There is if you take the blue pill….spoons galore!

  3. Beth

    I wish they were called foons instead.

  4. Lauren

    By the way – great title. 😀

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