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Phantom Pond Cleaner

I went outside yesterday morning and noticed my pond looked cleaner. The clumps of algae that had overwintered were mostly gone, and some of the trash was picked out of the water. Someone cleaned my pond a little. Interesting.

It seems like a breach of etiquette to clean someone else’s pond without asking, but I didn’t really mind it. In fact, if the person would go all the way and clean out the bottom of the pond, that would be nice. But at the risk of seeming ungrateful, if the Phantom would do more cleaning, I would have one request: Please pile the algae and trash in one spot so I can bag it up and get rid of it.

Exhibit One:
Trash by the side of the pond.

Exhibit Two:
There was some algae hanging in the evergreen bush too.


  1. Lauren

    Hmmmmm….. that is mysterious. My initial guess would be elves but I know they’re terrified of water. Water sprites, perhaps? Or maybe your fish are getting muscle-y and can heave stuff now.

    • Peggy

      HAHA!! I laughed out loud at the fish heaving the stuff out. You may have the 1st self cleaning pond!

  2. Peggy

    But really that is the oddest thing in the world! Do you walk in your sleep? Orange cat? ????

  3. Carol Frey

    Garden gnomes? GI gmean, gwho greally gknows?

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