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For the Heck of It

Yesterday we had a health fair at our school. I didn’t spend much time looking around because of classroom responsibilities, but it looked very cool. Good job, school nurses, for getting it together!

After the middle school students had spent some time at the health fair, there was about 15 minutes before the next class started. We decided to take them up to the turf field since it was such a nice day. When it came time for the next class to start, we didn’t go in. We just stayed out some more. I love when we do unexpected fun stuff at school. It makes Memories. They might not remember who Jehoshaphat’s dad is, but they’ll remember that one time we skipped class so we could run around outside on a beautiful day.

Jehoshaphat's dad is Asa.


  1. Lauren

    Hee hee – I like your picture caption. It was helpful to me.

    Also – good for you! Get those kids out there makin’ some vitamin D and enjoying God’s creation! Will spend some time having them cross-curriculum a picture of it today?

  2. Carol

    The 6th graders who swept in for religion afterward – besides looing like Bob the Tomato when they arrived – were all ready to settle down and do a word search based on their memory verse for the week, too. So I thank all of you for allowing them to let off some steam right before I needed them to concentrate. Brilliant strategy!

    (What?! You mean my students may not remember every nugget that has dripped from my lips this year, but they’ll remember the day they spontaneously ran around outdoors for an extra period. Go figure, eh?)

  3. Peggy

    Jumpin’ Jehosaphat…that is crazy cool & fun!!

    How exciting to be able to take some time to smell the roses turf … it’s become one of my new life’s philosophies!

  4. Deborah

    It’s snowing here. Bummer.

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