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Today is Max’s birthday! Yay! He’s three years old. Yay! A quick internet search says that’s late twenties or so. He’s a great cat. I like how curious he is. He sits on the window cat ledge and watches the world. He runs to the door when someone rings the doorbell. And when people come over he can’t help but be in the same room as them.

He is a bit of an over-eater. I don’t think he has a regulator when it comes to food. That’s a bit of a hassle, because it means feeding him on a schedule. But I’ve got his weight under control now, so I’m feeling pretty good about it. Maybe I’ll spoil him a little for his birthday and give him some treats.

Lookin' slim and fit!


  1. Beth

    Aw! Happy Birthday Max! You’re looking very GQ in that pose.

  2. Peggy

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAX!! You look maaavelous!

    And don’t forget to remind your poppa that birthday celebrations last a few weeks in your household! Can’t wait to see what treat you get on birthday-day 6!

  3. Lloyd

    Do you claim him as a dependent on your tax return?

  4. Carol

    [There should have been a caption contest for that photo of the birthday boy. Those eyes…]

    Sorry I missed your special day, Max. Enjoy your twenties! Mine were fun…I can still remember them even…he he…What did your male human provide as a celebratory meal? Hope it was grose and delicious. Many more, sir!

  5. anna

    Happy birthday,Max! I mean, Mew meow memeow row! (My cat’s been teaching me kitty language!)

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