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Flintstones Tie, Jetsons Memory

Yesterday I wore my Flintstones tie. I don’t remember where I got it, but I’m pretty sure it was a gift. While sitting in morning devotions, our school money guy John said “Nice tie.” I looked up to see that he was wearing a Flintstones tie too! It was Flintstones day yesterday!

Thinking about the Flintstones always reminds me of their futuristic counterparts, the Jetsons. The Jetsons’ theme song has a special place in my memory: One summer while detasseling, instead of waking to an alarm, I woke to a TV on a timer. The TV would click on, and the Jetsons song would start. Every morning I was woken by the cheery big-band music about this space family. I seem to remember liking waking up that way. I’ve wondered if I would like it now…

Pebbles and Dino are at the bottom of the tie.

John quizzed me on the Jetsons while we were talking about it. Here’s what he asked:
What is the name of the Jetsons’ maid?
Where did George Jetson work?
What was the name of the rival company?

I got them all right.


  1. Lauren

    1. Rosie?
    2. Something with sprockets.
    3. I don’t know, and I’m not going to Google it yet.

    I love this! Early morning cartoon quizzes start the day with nostalgia and hope!

    That is a rockin’ tie. It makes me hungry for Cocoa Pebbles.

  2. Carol

    That would be Spacely Sprockets, I believe…and I can’t recall the rival company either. Now, what was the maintenance guy’s name – the cute little fella with the bushy moustache? I loved that show and song as well and even envy your past alarm as a result. (I now awaken to the feel of things being knocked off a dresser by a hungry, fussy, spoiled feline. Not the same, I am sure.) Ah, those were the daze…

  3. Brent

    I was back in that basement apartment a couple summers ago and definitely thought about the Jetson’s theme. I always listened attentively to the wicked jazzy bass part during the first brassy daa-da–da-daa.


  4. Peggy

    I only knew the answer to #1. I’m so ashamed.

    This post reminded me of this music that always sparks memories for me:


    Everytime I hear this, I’m transported back to being a kid…falling asleep to this while on vacation….in a nice hotel, air-conditioning blaring. My dad always watched this when we were on vacation.

  5. Brad

    I had the first two immediately. The third one took a moment.
    Here are the answers:

    1. Rosie
    2. Spacely Sprockets
    3. Cogswell Cogs

  6. Peggy

    I had to look up detasseling. And then it sounded vaguely familiar. Who did you do that for again?

    • Lloyd

      I wrote most of the Wikipedia article on detasseling.

    • Brad

      It was my summer job for seven years. It’s corn field work. I was in Nebraska, Iowa, and Indiana. It was great money at first, but by the seventh year, I wasn’t doing so well.

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