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Something Accomplished

I finished installing the ceiling fan in the computer room! WAAHOO!

I started on Monday. Actually, I started a year ago, and I purchased the fan about seven months ago, but this most recent effort started on Monday.

I had to move the junction box because there is an iron pipe sticking out next to the old one. (My house used to have gas lights.) So I cut a new hole. Next, I put the brace bar in. It was a bit of a struggle to get the brace bar set. It is an expanding bar that you mount between two joists in the ceiling. The new junction box hangs from it, and it’s sturdy enough to hold the weight of a fan. In the picture below, it’s the silver-colored pipe:
I tested it by hanging from it.

My fan was flushmount, so it had a big base, but it wasn’t big enough to hide the old hole. I had to patch it:
It took two days of patching and drying.

I thought it was weird that the junction box is held in place by two tiny bolts. Then when I installed the mounting plate for the fan, I noticed that it too is held in place by two tiny bolts. It worried me, but it must be okay, because that’s how they sell it.
These tiny things are rated to hold seventy pounds.  My fan weighs twenty.

I took great pains to make the junction box and the fan mounting plate level. I figured that would help the fan be stable and not wobble. Actually connecting and assembling the fan was easy and went very quickly. And it looks great.
It works!


  1. Lauren

    Wow! That’s like two years worth of work in my book! It looks amazing! ‘Four tiny bolts helping you stay cool’ – that could be the long, awkward name of your company. 🙂

  2. Peggy

    Oh yea! That does look fantastic! And I’m with Lauren…..I think you can consider your summer a complete accomplishing success.

    1. Do you think you could concoct a fan in my house on some type of runner that follows me where ever I go?
    2. Can we see a picture of the completed computer room?

  3. Carol

    “…it must be okay, because that’s how they sell it.” HA! Ha ha ha ha. Thanks for the belly laugh first thing in the a.m. (wiping tears of laughter from the eyes while typing). “Man sliced to ribbons by falling newly-installed ceiling fan; pictures at 11!”

    But seriously, it does look marvelous and may it give you days – nay, years! – of air-moving comfort. Seriously. (I’ll feel pretty lousy now if I have to read about you in the papers…)

  4. Kristi

    Those blades look huge!

  5. Anna

    That’s because they ARE huge. (I really don’t know that.)

  6. Anna

    🙂 🙁 :0 🙂 🙁 :0 🙂 🙁 :0

  7. Anna


  8. Anna

    What IS the difference between the letter o and the number 0?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!

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