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Pokemon and Hamster

I went to a Pokemon meet yesterday. My nephew Daniel is a Pokemon Master in two regions of the Pokemon world. He and I went to Lincoln to test his skills against other Pokemon trainers. A hobby store has an area in back where people are invited to play these head-to-head card games. There were lots of people there. Most of them were playing “Magic: The Gathering”, but there was a table of Pokemon players there. Daniel did well, and played enough games to get the reward the store was offering: a free Pokemon card. Cool!

When we got back to Seward, Daniel taught me how to play. He loaned me one of his decks, and we played a game. I won! (I think he was being nice to me).
In the end, it was Zekrom that won it for me.

After having a game, I hung out at their house for a while. Anna showed me their hamster. His name is Squeekers. She has a ramp and a house and a maze made for him out of cardboard. It’s cool. Squeekers is very friendly. I held him for a while.
He climbed up my shirt.


  1. Lauren

    Oh dear, that is a cute hamster. Why is it that different rodents elicit such different reactions?

    Yay for Daniel! I’ve tried a couple of times to understand the Pokemon/Bakugan worlds, but it’s so complicated. Kudos to him for being a master!

  2. Lloyd

    Is there a hamster Pokemon card? If there is, I would like a whole deck of them.

    • Brad

      We were talking about the different Pokemon types because one of Daniel’s decks is comprised entirely of “grass” Pokemons. I suggested he construct a deck with only cute Pokemon in it, but he said they were all weak.

  3. Anna

    Pokemon are not like animals. But in the Pokemon world,there aren’t any animals anyway.
    I wish I could keep Squeakers,but he’s only mine temporarily. In third grade, he was our class hamster. Classmates who are allowed to get to each take him home for a week or two. I’ve ALWAYS wanted a hamster of my own.

    • Carol

      Sure hope your parents are regular Bradaptation readers…ahem… 😉

  4. Peggy

    So Pokemon cards are still around, huh? Matt has a whole binder of them somewhere. I don’t remember there being any games back then though. I do remember the most coveted card was Charizard…….which he did finally get. Congrats to Daniel!

    Squeekers is adorable!!!!

    • Brad

      Matt’s old cards may be worth some money. Daniel said Rachel had a first edition Jigglypuff that was worth $15.

      • Carol

        [Is it just me, or does that name sound like the offspring of the StayPuff Marshmallow man and a pole dancer?]

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