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A year ago, I cleaned my books off of an old bookshelf as part of a room-cleaning project. I culled my collection, packed the books into boxes, and stored them in my bedroom. They’ve been sitting there since then. Yesterday I finally put them on the built-in book shelves in the computer room.

First I had to clean off the shelves. They were covered with construction debris and miscellanea.
The stuff went to all different corners of my house.

Then I put the books on. They look good. It took me a while to figure out where I wanted things. I have a couple empty shelves. I don’t know if I’ll put anything there, or just let them be clean and empty.
A modest collection.

I was very excited to put a decoration on the top shelf. I bought it from IKEA last Christmas. It was so beautiful, I knew I wanted to find a place for it in my house. The bookshelf was perfect!
It lights up!  Its made of paperboard!


  1. Lauren

    Wow! It looks so grown-up and serene. The tree lights are a genius touch. Now you just need a leather club chair and that room is now a den.

    Built-ins are the bomb. I wish this house had a ton of them, because then you don’t need to have furniture.

  2. Lloyd

    I can’t help but notice a problem with your bookshelf. There seem to be extra blank places where books should go.

  3. Beth

    It’s so Bea-u-ti-ful! (Said in a Brittany-the-Chipmunk voice, because, I, unfortunately have seen that movie, or rather heard that movie from the backseat, eight-bajillion times.)

    Now, about that cat shelf. Where did you get that masterpiece? I love it. I want it.

    • Brad

      Denis made the cat shelf out of wood scraps in the basement. A quick trip to the home improvement store for carpet pieces, and it was done. I’m surprised pet stores charge so much for cat trees. They’re very inexpensive to make. I think they must take the production cost and multiply by ten to get their selling price.

      • Lloyd

        It’s the wrapping of the rope around the wood that adds all the value. I can’t help but notice that you don’t have any rope wrapped about yours.

      • Carol

        Our former two-level cat condo was also constructed from carpet ends and miscellaneous lumber parts by the then-pre-teen boy who used to live across the street. If we’d had to purchase one, I know it would have been over $150. Nutty.

  4. Peggy

    It does look really nice! I love the gray & white together. I may use that color scheme in the next room I paint. The tree thing is really cool too! If it were mine, I would have to move it to wherever I was watching TV at night. I bet it looks super nice lit up at night in a dark room.

    What are those older books in the last picture right in the middle of the shelf? I love old books.

    • Brad

      My neighbor found those books in his basement. The bottom one is in really bad shape and is an old Bible. The brown one on top is a Luther’s Small Catechism. The inside cover is marked with my house’s address and with the year 1936. The name inside is “Ruth Fugmann”, who used to live here. I think that’s really cool!

      • Peggy

        That is cool!! Good ‘ol Ruth, also a Lutheran!

        There is an exhibit here at Towson in the Library. It goes thru the end of Dec. When it cools down, I’m going to walk over & take a look. One of the items is a Martin Luther bible from the 1700’s. (click the ‘view slideshow’ in the picture on the right)


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