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Water, Water Everywhere

It’s been raining here for the last several days. Solid. There are floods all over the region. So far, we’ve had an earthquake, a hurricane, and flooding – earth, wind, and water. Fire must be next. One of my co-workers said her daughter is fully expecting a volcano to erupt from the middle of Baltimore.

Some creatures who must be truly appreciating all the water we’ve had are my garden pond residents. The pond keeps getting infusions of chemical-free rainwater, the air is nice and moist… life is good.

Some of my tadpoles have completed their conversion to frogs. Others are still tadpoles. I don’t know what determines whether they change or not. My best guess is that the sex of the frog is the determiner. The females changed already and the males are waiting?

Whatever the case, I have a bunch of tiny frogs in my pond. And they are less flighty than the big daddy frog, so I get to see them. They’re so cute! I got the following picture during a break from the rain:

Too bad they're extremely territorial and will likely all kill each other.


  1. Carol

    Well, it’s obvious to me what your next “project” has to be: pond dividers, so every frog can have her own pond and thereby have no need to kill a neighbor. That oughta keep you busy for a while, but you’d better get started before the carnage begins!

    […and of course the females mature before the males – haven’t you been paying attention during your own teen discovery lessons? ]

  2. Lauren

    Fire’s next, eh? I’ll be right over. 😀

  3. Lloyd

    You should train them to come when you call. They are just babies. You can train babies to do anything.

  4. Peggy

    Awww…. he or she is cute! But I could have done without the knowledge that they will likely kill each other. But now that you’ve brought that up, how would they do that? Do they have teeth? Will they try to hold each other under water? Push one of the rocks onto another?

    • Beth

      Ha! My thought exactly! How do frogs kill each other? Strangle holds with their tongues?

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