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Favourite Colour

I was typing a list of discussion questions for my 9th graders, when I noticed something weird: every time I typed the word “favorite”, it was underlined with a red squiggly as if it was misspelled. I’m usually pretty careful about spelling, so I right-clicked the word to see what was going on. The computer suggested that I spell it with a “U”… “favourite”. It suggested the same thing for “color”. Interesting. My computer at school thinks it’s British. I do watch a fair amount of BBC television, but I wasn’t going to change all my spellings. My computer will just have to suffer through my American English.

The activity went well. The questions were fun to discuss and compare. The instructions were to find one question that everyone in your small group answered differently, and one question you answered with the same answer. One of my favorites to discuss was: What is your favorite home-cooked meal. In one of my classes, I was able to get answers from each student, and their answers all included pasta. I don’t particularly care for pasta. It’s all about potatoes for me. Mmm… Starchy goodness…

My favorite color is blue.


  1. Lauren

    Yeah, but your snooty computer probably sounds 50% smarter than our American computers. It’s all about the accent. (Which is apparently rather new)

    I prefer pasta to potatoes, though, so I guess this friendship is over. 🙁

    • Michele

      Agreed Lauren – even cursing with a British accent doesn’t sound as bad as when an American curses!
      By the way Brad, I got my new laptop yesterday and while setting it up, I was tempted to choose British vs American English, especially after seeing your post.

      … chocolate brown and anything with bacon.

  2. Beth

    Green. Unless we’re talking about clothing, then it’s pink.

    Turkey with Mashed Potatoes and Gravy.

    • Beth

      I should also have said… I’m taking the GRE today. 9am – 1:30pm Central. With one ten-minute break, but I’m not allowed to leave the room. No snacks or drinks.

      Those parameters alone might kill me.

      I’m anxious. In August tesing centers world-wide switched from the standard GRE to the revised GRE, which ultimately means I don’t know anyone who has taken this test, there are basically no published materials for preparing for the test. There is an online program for preparing, God bless its writers.

      Yes, prayers are appreciated.

      • Lauren

        I didn’t read about it until after the fact, but I prayed retroactively. How did it go?

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