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Yesterday morning as I was getting into my truck to go to school, I noticed something sticking to the side of the cab. Looking more closely, I noticed it was glass. Someone had chipped glass off of my window during the night.

Dang it!

Then I noticed that they had done it in more than one place. What were they trying to do? Remove the window? Just cause a lot of damage? Grrr… Now my truck would look all dented in on one side, and all chipped-glass on the other side.

Would water now be able to get in?

Since there wasn’t really anything to be done about it, I got into my truck to drive to school. And as I shut the door, the window shattered.

It was hard to get a picture in the dark.

I tried to tape some cardboard in the window so I could drive to school. Broken glass kept falling off the window while I taped the cardboard, then kept falling whenever I hit a bump in the road on the way to school.

Easier to see the break.

Fortunately, I found a place that could do the replacement right after school. And fortunately, I could pay for the repair. But dang it, this makes me mad. Replacing that tiny window in my car cost me $386.84. And what did I get for that money? Nothing. And what did the vandal get for that money? Nothing. It’s such a waste. And it’s the second time I’ve been vandalized in the last two weeks. I almost want to put a sign on my car that tells the vandal to just knock on the door next time and I’ll give him $100. It would be cheaper for me, and he would at least get some material benefit out of it. Or maybe if he came knocking I could just punch him in the face.


  1. Lauren

    AAAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!! Are you just ready to explode with rage?? I bet it was hard to concentrate at school. I’m just flabbergasted at that – I’m going to guess that they were trying to steal your truck. Grrrrrrrrrrrr…… I’m going to come right over and build you a garage. With motion-sensor lights. And a trap. 🙁

  2. Peggy

    Yup, that stinks big time!! It’s like someone is dismantling your poor truck one piece at a time. Your last paragraph made me laugh though.

    You don’t suppose it was squirrels do you? It was pretty cold out the other night.

  3. Carol

    Agreed (with the punching part, at least). If I ever got to see the 3-4 folks who broke into our home in January, I’d ask them what their plan might be for reembursing us for our increased house insurance premium forever now. (Actually, the company tells me if we go three consecutive years without a claim, our premium goes down again – by then overall inflation or cost of living will make sure that doesn’t happen, I’m sure.)

    By the way, I notice the glass was broken on the non-dented side – maybe the vandal(s) gave up when one of them saw the dent – “Hey, Chauncy! This one’s damaged – let’s try that one on the other side of the street!” Did anyone else on your block get similar treatment that evening?

    …and today’s 6th grade religion lesson: surviving the trials and tribulations of life by leaning on Him. You did a pretty good job there, Mr. Royuk – at least I haven’t seen any contracts out for these people yet…

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