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Field Trip

Yesterday was the day all the middle school classes went of field trips. The sixth grade went to the aquarium, the seventh grade went to the Science Center, and the eighth grade went to the Anita C. Leight Estuary Center.

I went with the eighth grade. The plan was to take canoes and kayaks out on the water, and learn about marshland stuff out there. I went with the canoe group. After we got on the water, the wind started blowing pretty hard. A canoe capsized. It wasn’t dangerous because the water was only four feet deep. Other canoes (including mine) had trouble getting together with the group. When we finally got back together again, we “rafted” the canoes for lunch (that is, we hooked them all together), then decided to head back for the dock.

Since the headwind was so strong, the leader suggested that we raft the canoes into two groups of five and the outside canoes row like crazy. It worked! …For a while. Then we were stopped by the wind again. So the leader suggested we tie the canoes together, back to front, and row single-file back to the dock. It was the most exercise I’ve gotten in a long time, but we made it back. The other group of five experienced another capsizing, but they made it back too.

The day turned into a “shared adversity” kind of experience. The kids really encouraged each other and had a great time. One of the boys kept saying: “Best… field trip… ever.” I’m glad they had so much fun. I did too.

This was the rescue operation for the second capsizing.


  1. Lauren

    Nothing binds a group together more than a common enemy. I’m glad it was the weather in this case and not Bigfoot.

    Did the kids bring extra clothes just in case, or did they just stay soggy? It sounds really fun, even with the dunkings.

    • Brad

      Everybody was instructed to bring a change of clothes. Many people were wet, even without capsizing. Most of it had to do with poor paddle technique. 🙂

      One of the leader guys in our group noticed that one of the capsized girls was cold at lunchtime, so he gave her his jacket. He was a good egg.

      • Lauren

        Awwwww….. chivalry isn’t dead. 🙂

  2. Peggy

    Oh my gosh….what an exciting day indeed!! It’s like an episode of Man vs. Wild!

    And another school event these kids will talk about at reunions. ‘Remember the time we almost died on that field trip when our boat was sunk by that squall!’

    • Carol

      Indeed – according to the NatGeo “Brain Games” series, no sooner does an event occur than we remember it differently than it actually happened, allowing for much embellishment along the way. I think something like that happened to Tony DiNoso on NCIS a few weeks back as well…something about underwear and flagpoles?

  3. Kristi

    The weather does look ominous. I prefer kayaks to canoes. The kayaks sit lower in the water. Thus, my chances of capsizing are reduced significantly.

  4. Lloyd

    Did you bring a change of clothes? I think I would bring a wet suit.

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