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We’re doing a Teen Development Unit in Religion class right now. We’re talking about dating and good decision making and adolescence and all that stuff. The boys and girls are separated for these lessons. Carol has been teaching the girls, while I teach the boys. Each day we hand out blank cards so they can ask anonymous questions. The boys get tired of the subject after a while and usually just stop writing questions. But this year is different – this year they have started writing riddles on the cards. I’ve had fun answering them in an unconventional way. One of the riddles for today is: Its maker sells it; its buyer never uses it; its user never sees it. My unconventional answer is: a piece of banana cream pie that a blind man’s friend bought for him. The real answer is in white text here: a coffin To see it, highlight the blank area as if you were going to copy and paste a text.

On Tuesday, I got a truly challenging request: one of the Korean boys asked me to sing a song. He was joking, but since he wrote the romanized lyrics, I could google them. I found the song lyrics, sheet music, and YouTube recordings. It was the Korean national anthem. I printed everything out, and after a little practice, I could sing it passably. I sang it in class yesterday. The boy who requested it laughed while I sang it, and joined in singing for the last phrase. He said my pronunciation was good enough that he could tell what I was saying. 🙂 So if anyone needs the Korean national anthem sung for baseball games or olympic events or whatever, I’d be glad to help out.

The romanized version is on the back of the card.


  1. Lauren

    Ha! You win for Best Teacher Ever! That is going above and beyond, sir. Extra cool.

    As for the riddle, I’ll say a best man paying for a back tattoo for the groom.

  2. Peggy


    I think this makes you an honorary Korean or samurai! Way to go!!

    Riddle: A parent purchasing an imaginary friend or pet for their child? (which btw I happen to sell for $19.95, but wait…if you order now….you will receive a second imaginary friend or pet for free, plus an entire wardrobe. )

  3. Michele

    You rock! Especially being sick and all.
    You could be Kim’s speed dial friend today – she is substituting for an ESOL class!

  4. Lloyd

    And, just in case you were wondering, http://www.aegukga.com is available if anyone is interested in starting a new website.

    • Lloyd

      Also, it seems that wordpress will turn anything that looks like a link into a link without you even having to do anything (so don’t bother clicking on that link).

  5. Carol

    And the most interesting question Carol recalls getting in the whole series? “Can you explain in bistro fertilization?” (Would I make that up?) The boys were far more creative, at least this year.

    This is a wonderful curriculum, Brad, and you have definitely made a great memory for Mr. H. in grade 8 by bothering to learn his country’s anthem. Plus, now next time you watch the Olympics and Korea wins a medal, we will expect you to rise and join in the singing!

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