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I have been trying to get a picture of a yawning cat ever since I had Ned. Either I don’t have my camera, or the light is too low.

As I was on my way downstairs, Max was sitting in a spot of sun that was coming through the skylight. I was trying to take a picture of him, but my camera kept focusing on the bannister instead of him.
Only a little fuzzy.

Then suddenly, he got up to stretch and yawn! Now was my chance!

Dang. I had my camera. The light wasn’t too low. But now my timing was off. I’ll keep trying. Can you make a cat yawn by showing him pictures of other cats yawning?


  1. Lauren

    Ha! “…. showing him pictures of other cats yawning?” That’s hilarious! In sixth grade I tried to draw a picture of a face yawning and passed the note around the room to see if anyone yawned when they looked at it. I can’t remember how it went, but I’m yawning just thinking of it.

    The first picture of him is rather magnificent – blurry or not.

  2. Peggy

    You could have Max watch me. I yawn about every 10.2 seconds.

    Or have him watch this. It’s more fun:


    (and I’m with Lauren–that 1st picture is incredible! The 2nd one’s cool too—Max is looking a little zombieish)

  3. Kristi

    What’s up with the big, green eye and the little, squinty one? Eeekk.

    • Brad

      Hehe… As I took the picture, he was just starting to yawn and his eyes were going wonky.

      I think it makes him look like a pirate. “Arrr! Give me a cat treat!”

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