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I think something may be wrong with my sleep regulator. I’ve been having stronger than normal pass-out naps. The bus ride back from the field trip was the first instance. Then on Saturday we had our annual Field Day event where area elementary schools come to campus for track and field competition. I came in early, thinking I would get some grading done. I graded a little, then passed out at my desk.

Then yesterday after church I came home, got some food, and sat in front of the TV. The next thing I knew, it was an hour later and I was waking up. But when I tried to finish watching the show I had recorded, I fell asleep again. I spent all day feeling weak and sleepy. I did finally finish that show though. (It was “House”.) In fact I watched a couple of episodes, so now I’m caught up. I went to bed at 8:30, thinking the extra sleep would help. I can’t tell if it did or not. I overslept. I don’t even remember hearing my alarm go off.

I’ll be curious to see if this trend continues. Or if I fall asleep while standing up. Or in mid sente… zzzz… (Ha! Just kidding!)

So sleepy.... but I want to see them solve the sickness puzzle...


  1. Carol

    My Dad used to fall asleep at the dinner table while I was sharing stories from my day at school. I thought it was because my tales bored him; after all, I was a cooperative conformist for the most part. (There was that Elmer’s glue in the teacher’s thermos issue, but I digress…) Then he learned he had a blood sugar issue. Just sayin’…

  2. Lauren

    I agree with Carol – I think you should get this checked out. The last time this happened you were slowly being poisoned with carbon monoxide. Get to a doctor, pronto – preferably a smart one with a limp and a snarky attitude!

  3. Brad

    The problem with weird issues like this is that by the time I get to the doctor, I’m not experiencing the problem any more. Then I feel kind of dumb:
    “Uh… three days ago I was really tired… but, uh… now I’m not any more… uh… but I do have this mole I wondered about…”

  4. Lloyd

    What is that black thing leaning against the wall?

    • Brad

      It’s the tray all the murphy bed hardware came in. I know I must’ve done things right, because there are no pieces left in it. 🙂

  5. Peggy

    If it makes you feel any better, I did the same thing yesterday. I had such plans….but instead slept on & off all day AND went to bed early too. I think it was the weather.

    You should go to the doctor. You know there’ll be lots of tests. Sleeping tests….ahhh!

  6. Beth

    There is diabetes in your family (your Grandma H and your Mom, in case you were wondering). So a blood sugar issue is quite reasonable. And would make for a valid doctor visit, even if the symptoms disappear.

    Or maybe Max is poisoning you. Or Carol. I hear Elmer’s consumption causes sleepiness…

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