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Summer Shoes

Yesterday, my Uncle Paul and Aunt Linda were in town and invited me to join their family for Mother’s Day crabs at the Crackpot Restaurant. Yum! It was really warm outside, so I decided to wear shorts for the first time this season. I’ve been wearing my teacher shoes for every occasion, but they just wouldn’t work with shorts. Then I remembered that last fall I bought some Summer Shoes. They are Caterpillar brand. Like the bulldozers. Ha! I thought it was so funny, I had to get them. And they were just the thing for crab eating.

My leg isn't really that white.  It's a trick of the light.


  1. Lauren

    My legs have that very same trick of the light going on right now. 😉

    I’m not at all jealous that you got to eat at the Crackpot. Not. At. All.

  2. Carol

    We wait each year until Memorial week-end to have our first crabs of the season. I sort of liken it to the Lenten sacrifice … waiting for crustacean mastication builds self-control, gives cause for reflection and appreciation, etc. … just our little contribution to maintaining the population in the Chesapeake Bay.

    …however, I, too, am jealous. Glad y’all enjoyed ’em for me… 🙁

  3. Peggy

    You forgot to say after — My legs aren’t really that white, not that there would be anything wrong with that. Because I’m pretty sure my legs are about the color of your socks.

    Cool shoes! I’m guessing you just slip them on? I love slip on shoes!

    (And I too am quite envious of your crabby weekend. Mmmmm….)

  4. Lloyd

    I really wanted them to have treads on the bottom.

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